首页> 外文期刊>Bioconjugate Chemistry >Synthesis of Peptide Nucleic Acid FRET Probes via an Orthogonally Protected Building Block for Post-Synthetic Labeling of Peptide Nucleic Acids at the 5-Position of Uracil

Synthesis of Peptide Nucleic Acid FRET Probes via an Orthogonally Protected Building Block for Post-Synthetic Labeling of Peptide Nucleic Acids at the 5-Position of Uracil


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We report the design and synthesis of an orthogonally protected peptide nucleic acid (PNA) building block, Fmoc-PNA-U'-(Dde)-OH, and its use in the construction of PNA FRET probes. This building block allows for the post-synthetic attachment of reporter groups to the amino group attached to the 5-position of uracil (U) following selective deprotection of the Dde group. We illustrate the use of this building block for the synthesis of a series of FAM Cy5 donor acceptor pairs and their ability to detect a target DNA sequence.
机译:我们报告设计和合成的正交保护肽核酸(PNA)构建基块,Fmoc-PNA-U'-(Dde)-OH,及其在PNA FRET探针的构建中的用途。该构件允许在Dde基团选择性脱保护后,报告基团在合成后附着在尿嘧啶(U)5位上的氨基上。我们举例说明了此构建基块用于一系列FAM Cy5供体受体对的合成及其检测目标DNA序列的能力。



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