首页> 外文期刊>Australasian Plant Pathology >Detection and identification of a new phytoplasma associated with periwinkle leaf yellowing disease in Taiwan

Detection and identification of a new phytoplasma associated with periwinkle leaf yellowing disease in Taiwan


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A new leaf yellowing disease was observed on periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) in Taiwan in 2005. Sequence analysis of a 1.8 kb region of 16S rDNA, 16S-23S intergenic spacer region and partial 23S rDNA revealed that the periwinkle leaf yellowing (PLY) disease was associated with a phytoplasma from the 16SrI group. In addition, five cultivated plants including chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum sp.), cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus), torenia (Torenia fournieri), Persian violet (Exacum affine), and cucumber (Cucumis sativus), and one weed, goosegrass (Eleusine indica) were identified as host plants of this phytoplasma. Leafhoppers, Macrosteles orientalis, Cicadulina bipunctella, Phlogotettix cyclops and Balclutha sp., were identified as potential insect vectors due to the positive results in PCR detection. The name, "Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris" strain PLY, is proposed for this new phytoplasma. The in silico restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the Fn2R2 region sequence showed that the periwinkle leaf yellowing phytoplasma is closest to the 16SrI-B subgroup and may be a new 16SrI subgroup. Transmission experiments with field-collected M. orientalis and C. bipunctella indicated that both leafhoppers can transmit the PLY phytoplasma to healthy periwinkle plants. This work is the first description of a new 16SrI subgroup phytoplasma in Taiwan.
机译:2005年在台湾的长春花(Catharanthus roseus)上发现了一种新的叶黄化病。对1.8 kb的16S rDNA,16S-23S基因间隔区和23S rDNA的部分序列分析表明,长春叶黄化病是与来自16SrI组的植物质相关。此外,还有五种栽培植物,其中包括菊花(Chrysanthemum sp。),波斯菊(Cosmos bipinnatus),Torenia(Torenia fournieri),波斯紫罗兰(Exacum affine)和黄瓜(Cucumis sativus),以及一种杂草,鹅肝(Eleusine indica)。被鉴定为该植物质体的寄主植物。由于PCR检测的阳性结果,叶蝉,东方大叶蝉,双子叶蝉,Phlogotettix菌和Balclutha sp。被鉴定为潜在的昆虫载体。为此新的植物原质建议使用名称为“ Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris”的菌株PLY。 Fn2R2区域序列的计算机限制性片段长度多态性分析表明,长春花叶黄化质体最接近16SrI-B亚组,可能是一个新的16SrI亚组。田间采集的东方侧柏和双歧杆菌的传播实验表明,两种叶蝉都可以将PLY的植物原质传播给健康的长春花植物。这项工作是对台湾一个新的16SrI亚组植物质体的首次描述。



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