首页> 外文期刊>Assistive technology: the official journal of RESNA >Augmentative and Alternative Communication System (AAC) for Social Inclusion of People With Complex Communication Needs in the Industry

Augmentative and Alternative Communication System (AAC) for Social Inclusion of People With Complex Communication Needs in the Industry


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Inclusion of people with special needs in the labor market has been increasing in some regions of Brazil as a result of the Articles 6 and 7 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Brazil and the Quota Law (No. 8.213/91, Art. 93) which entitle people with disabilities to work in order to improve their social condition. To support persons with complex communication needs in the workplace, 40 graphic symbols termed "symbols of industrial expressions" were developed within the framework of the COMMUNIS package. The symbols were developed for a company of the food sector in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, Brazil. Individual interviews were held with the human resources professionals, as well as with employees with complex communication needs in order to identify problems, assess requirements, and generate a list of specific symbols to develop. The symbols were then validated with regard to their ease of recognition. Only five symbols needed revision. The results suggest that it is possible to develop a set of symbols for the workplace that are judged to be iconic by human resources professionals and employees with complex communication needs.
机译:由于《巴西联邦共和国宪法》第6条和第7条以及《配额法》(第8.213 / 91号,第93条, )赋予残疾人工作的权利,以改善他们的社会状况。为了支持在工作场所中有复杂沟通需求的人员,在COMMUNIS软件包的框架内开发了40个图形符号,称为“工业表达符号”。这些符号是为巴西库里蒂巴市都会区的一家食品公司开发的。与人力资源专业人员以及具有复杂沟通需求的员工进行了个人访谈,以发现问题,评估要求并生成要开发的特定符号列表。然后对符号的易识别性进行验证。仅需要五个符号即可进行修订。结果表明,有可能为工作场所开发一套符号,这些符号被人力资源专业人员和具有复杂沟通需求的员工认为是标志性的。



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