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Rotary Ankle Instability:Overview of Pathomechanics and Prognosis


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ANKLE ligament sprains account for approximately 25 % of all injuries sustained by male and female collegiate basketball players and approximately 15 % of all injuries documented for a wide variety of collegiate sports.1 An ankle sprain is often considered to be a trivial injury, but residual symptoms of weakness, instability, crepitus, and stiffness are common among athletes who have sustained recurrent ankle sprains.2 The ankle is far more susceptible to arthritic changes after ligamentous trauma than is generally recognized.3 As many as 89 % of ankle sprain cases involving rupture of the anterior talo-fibular ligament (ATFL) may be associated with the existence of a medial articular cartilage lesion.4 If ecchymosis is present and palpation of the ATFL elicits pain, the estimated likelihood of ATFL rupture is 90 % 5 Thus, failure to recognize the potential serious nature of this exceedingly common sports injury presents the potential for long-term adverse effects on an athlete's functional capabilities.



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