首页> 外文期刊>Attention, perception & psychophysics >Spatial attention and reaction times during smooth pursuit eye movement

Spatial attention and reaction times during smooth pursuit eye movement


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To examine the spatial shift of attention during smooth pursuit, we measured reaction times (RTs) to a visual target that appeared during pursuit. Participants pursued a moving row of circular frames and responded to a target presented within one of the frames. The results showed large RT differences between stimulus velocities up to 5°/s and 10°/s or above. RTs were faster for a target appearing in the pursuit direction than for one in the opposite direction. When an auditory precue was presented, the RTs during pursuit at 10°/s were faster with increases in the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between the cue and the target. Furthermore, RTs were faster in the cued than in the uncued direction. These results not only support the idea that RTs during pursuit reflect the operation of attention, but also suggest that attention during pursuit can be shifted by the abrupt onset of a target stimulus and/or by prior information regarding the onset of a target stimulus.
机译:为了检查平稳跟踪过程中注意力的空间转移,我们测量了在跟踪过程中出现的视觉目标的反应时间(RTs)。参与者追逐一排圆形框架,并对其中一个框架内出现的目标做出反应。结果表明,最高5°/ s和10°/ s或更高的刺激速度之间存在较大的RT差异。追踪方向上出现的目标的逆向反射要快于反方向上的目标。当呈现听觉提示时,随着提示和目标之间的刺激发作异步性(SOA)的增加,以10°/ s追踪时的RT更快。此外,RT在提示时比未提示方向更快。这些结果不仅支持追逐期间的RT反映注意力的操作的观点,而且表明追逐期间的注意力可以通过目标刺激的突然发作和/或通过关于目标刺激的发作的先验信息而转移。



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