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Seaborne arrivals - US imports at 15-year low


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Arrivals this month could be below 21mn b/d, 1mn b/d lower than a year ago, consultancy Oil Movements says. This reflects higher US shale oil output rather than lower refiner demand. US imports of 7.7mn b/d in March were the lowest in 15 years. Imports from Canada are rising, but supplies from other parts of the world are down to 5mn b/d from 8mn b/d five years ago. Light sweet grades from Africa and the North Sea have borne the brunt of the fall, but the Gulf coast still needs heavy Mideast Gulf crudes. Saudi imports fell early this year after a dip in westbound liftings, but preliminary EIA data put March imports from the country at 1.2mn b/d, the highest since October.
机译:咨询公司Oil Movements表示,本月的到港量可能低于2100万桶/日,比一年前减少100万桶/日。这反映出美国页岩油产量增加而不是炼油厂需求下降。美国3月份的日进口量为770万桶,是15年来的最低水平。来自加拿大的进口量正在增加,但来自世界其他地区的供应量已从五年前的800万桶/日降至500万桶/日。来自非洲和北海的浅甜等级是秋季的首当其冲,但墨西哥湾沿岸仍需要重磅的中东海湾原油。沙特进口量在西行船运量下降后于今年年初下降,但初步的EIA数据显示3月份从该国的进口量为120万桶/日,是10月份以来的最高水平。



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