首页> 外文期刊>Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences >Effects of Feeding Oxalate Containing Grass on Intake and the Concentrations of Some Minerals and Parathyroid Hormone in Blood of Sheep

Effects of Feeding Oxalate Containing Grass on Intake and the Concentrations of Some Minerals and Parathyroid Hormone in Blood of Sheep


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In order to determine whether oxalate from grasses affects feed intake, blood calcium (Ca) and other blood parameters of adult sheep, two feeding trials were conducted. In Trial 1, one group of sheep received guineagrass (0.47% soluble oxalate) and another group received setaria (1.34% soluble oxalate) for 28 d. In Trial 2, one group of sheep received guineagrass while another group received the same grass treated with an oxalic acid solution (at a rate of 30 g oxalic acid/kg dry matter of hay) for 72 d. All sheep received concentrate mixtures (0.5% of body weight) throughout the experiment. In both trials, it was observed that plasma Ca concentration (11.0-11.7 mg/dl) was significantly (p<0.05) lower in sheep fed high oxalate-containing grasses than in sheep fed low oxalate-containing grasses (12.4-13.7 mg/dl). No differences (p>0.05) were observed in concentrations of magnesium, phosphorus and parathyroid hormone in plasma between the feeding of low and high oxalate-containing grasses. In addition, no differences (p>0.05) were observed in roughage dry mater (DM) intake, total DM intake or body weight of sheep. This study suggests that sheep may consume oxalate-rich forage, but Ca bioavailability may decrease with increasing oxalate levels in the ration.
机译:为了确定草中的草酸盐是否会影响成年绵羊的采食量,血钙(Ca)和其他血液参数,进行了两次饲喂试验。在试验1中,一组绵羊接受了豚鼠(0.47%可溶性草酸盐),另一组接受了刚毛(1.34%可溶性草酸盐)28天。在试验2中,一组绵羊接受了豚草,而另一组绵羊接受了用草酸溶液(以30 g草酸/ kg干干草的比率处理)处理过的同一草72 d。在整个实验过程中,所有绵羊都接受了浓缩混合物(体重的0.5%)。在这两个试验中,观察到饲喂含草酸高草的绵羊的血浆Ca浓度(11.0-11.7 mg / dl)明显低于(p.0.05)饲喂含草酸低草的绵羊(12.4-13.7 mg / dl) dl)。饲喂低草酸和高草酸的草之间,血浆中镁,磷和甲状旁腺激素的浓度没有差异(p> 0.05)。此外,在绵羊粗饲料(DM)的摄入量,DM的总摄入量或体重方面没有观察到差异(p> 0.05)。这项研究表明,绵羊可能会消耗草酸盐丰富的草料,但随着日粮中草酸盐含量的增加,钙的生物利用度可能会降低。



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