首页> 外文期刊>Artificial Organs >Improved Outcome of Cardiac Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Infants and Children Using Magnetic Levitation Centrifugal Pumps

Improved Outcome of Cardiac Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Infants and Children Using Magnetic Levitation Centrifugal Pumps


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Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has traditionally been and, for the most part, still is being performed using roller pumps. Use of first-generation centrifugal pumps has yielded controversial outcomes, perhaps due to mechanical properties of the same and the ensuing risk of hemolysis and renal morbidity. Latest-generation centrifugal pumps, using magnetic levitation (ML), exhibit mechanical properties which may have overcome limitations of first-generation devices. This retrospective study aimed to assess the safety and efficacy of veno-arterial (V-A) ECMO for cardiac indications in neonates, infants, and children, using standard (SP) and latest-generation ML centrifugal pumps. Between 2002 and 2014, 33 consecutive neonates, infants, and young children were supported using V-A ECMO for cardiac indications. There were 21 males and 12 females, with median age of 29 days (4 days-5 years) and a median body weight of 3.2 kg (1.9-18 kg). Indication for V-A ECMO were acute circulatory collapse in ICU or ward after cardiac repair in 16 (49%) patients, failure to wean after repair of complex congenital heart disease in 9 (27%), fulminant myocarditis in 4 (12%), preoperative sepsis in 2 (6%), and refractory tachy-arrhythmias in 2 (6%). Central cannulation was used in 27 (81%) patients and peripheral in 6. Seven (21%) patients were supported with SP and 26 (79%) with ML centrifugal pumps. Median duration of support was 82 h (range 24-672 h), with 26 (79%) patients weaned from support. Three patients required a second ECMO run but died on support. Seventeen (51%) patients required peritoneal dialysis for acute renal failure. Overall survival to discharge was 39% (13/33 patients). All patients with fulminant myocarditis and with refractory arrhythmias were weaned, and five (83%) survived, whereas no patient supported for sepsis survived. Risk factors for hospital mortality included lower (<2.5 kg) body weight (P = 0.02) and rescue ECMO after cardiac repair (P = 0.03). During a median follow-up of 34 months (range 4-62 months), there were three (23%) late deaths and two late survivors with neurological sequelae. Weaning rate (5/7 vs. 21/26, P = NS) and prevalence of renal failure requiring dialysis (4/7 vs. 13/26, P = NS) were comparable between SP and ML ECMO groups. Patients supported with ML had a trend toward higher hospital survival (1/7 vs. 12/26, P = 0.07) and significantly higher late survival (0/7 vs. 10/26, P = 0.05). The present experience shows that V-A ECMO for cardiac indications using centrifugal pumps in infants and children yields outcomes absolutely comparable to international registry (ELSO) data using mostly roller pumps. Although changes in practice may have contributed to these results, use of ML centrifugal pumps appears to further improve end-organ recovery and hospital and late survival.
机译:传统上已经进行了体外膜氧合(ECMO),并且在大多数情况下仍使用滚子泵进行。第一代离心泵的使用已产生争议性结果,这可能是由于该泵的机械特性以及随之而来的溶血和肾病的风险。使用磁悬浮(ML)的最新一代离心泵具有机械性能,可以克服第一代设备的局限性。这项回顾性研究旨在使用标准(SP)和最新一代的ML离心泵评估静脉动脉(V-A)ECMO对新生儿,婴儿和儿童的心脏适应症的安全性和有效性。在2002年至2014年之间,使用V-A ECMO支持连续33例新生儿,婴儿和幼儿进行心脏适应症。男21例,女12例,中位年龄为29天(4天至5岁),中位体重为3.2千克(1.9-18千克)。 VA ECMO的适应症包括心脏修复后ICU或病房中的急性循环衰竭(16%)(49%),复杂先天性心脏病修复后断奶失败9例(27%),暴发性心肌炎4例(12%),术前败血症2例(6%),难治性心律失常2例(6%)。 27例(81%)患者使用中央插管,6例采用外周静脉插管。7例(21%)患者接受了SP支撑,26例(79%)采用了ML离心泵。支持的中位时间为82小时(范围24-672小时),其中26名(79%)患者退出支持。三名患者需要第二次ECMO运行,但在支持下死亡。十七名(51%)患者因急性肾功能衰竭需要进行腹膜透析。出院总生存率为39%(13/33例)。所有患有暴发性心肌炎和难治性心律不齐的患者均已断奶,其中五例(83%)存活,而没有败血症支持的患者存活。医院死亡的危险因素包括体重减轻(<2.5 kg)(P = 0.02)和心脏修复后抢救ECMO(P = 0.03)。在34个月(范围4-62个月)的中位随访期间,有3例(23%)晚期死亡和两名神经系统后遗症晚期幸存者。 SP和ML ECMO组的断奶率(5/7 vs. 21/26,P = NS)和需要透析的肾衰竭患病率(4/7 vs. 13/26,P = NS)可比。支持ML的患者有更高的医院生存率(1/7比12/26,P = 0.07)和明显更高的晚期生存率(0/7 vs. 10/26,P = 0.05)。目前的经验表明,使用婴幼儿离心泵对心脏适应症的V-A ECMO产生的结果绝对可以与大多数使用滚子泵的国际注册(ELSO)数据相媲美。尽管实践中的变化可能会导致这些结果,但使用ML离心泵似乎可以进一步改善终末器官恢复率以及住院和晚期生存率。



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