首页> 外文期刊>Asia Pacific oil and gas insight >PNG LNG Project Poised To Boost Gas Production

PNG LNG Project Poised To Boost Gas Production

机译:PNG LNG项目准备提高天然气产量

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CurrentnaturalgasproductioninPapuaNewGuinea(PNG)isneg- ligible at around 100mn cubic metres(Mcm)a year.This is set to rapidly increase once production from the Hides,Angore and Juha fields is brought online to supply the PNG LNG project,which is due to start up from H2 2014. Our forecast therefore sees natural gas production in PNG in- crease from around 100mcm in 2013 to 5bn cubic metres(bcm)in 2014,rising through to 14.8bcm by 2017.The two train PNG LNG projectwillexportupto6.9mntonnesofLNGayear,oramaximum of 9.4bcm.With 6.6mn tonnes of capacity contracted to Asian buy- ers,we anticipate the terminal to run at near-full capacity,with the 0.3mn tonne remainder sold on the spot market.
机译:目前,巴布亚新几内亚(PNG)的天然气产量大约为1亿立方米(Mcm)。一旦将皮革,安哥尔和Juha气田的产量上线以供应PNG LNG项目,该产量将迅速增加。从2014年下半年开始。因此,我们的预测是PNG的天然气产量将从2013年的约100mcm增加到2014年的50亿立方米,到2017年将增长到14.8bcm。这两个PNG LNG火车项目的年出口量将达到6.9百万吨,最大9.4立方厘米。与亚洲买家签定的660万吨装机容量,我们预计该码头将接近满负荷运行,其余30万吨在现货市场上出售。



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