首页> 外文期刊>Arthroscopy: the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association >Cerebral Oxygenation Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in the Beach-Chair Position During Shoulder Arthroscopy Under General Anesthesia

Cerebral Oxygenation Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in the Beach-Chair Position During Shoulder Arthroscopy Under General Anesthesia


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Purpose: To examine the risks of shoulder arthroscopy in the beach-chair position (BCP) as opposed to the lateral decubitus position. The challenge during general anesthesia, particularly with the patient in the BCP, has been to ascertain the lower limit of blood pressure autoregulation, correctly measure mean arterial pressure, and adequately adjust parameters to maintain cerebral perfusion. There is increasing concern about the BCP and its association with intraoperative cerebral desaturation events (CDEs). Assessment of CDEs intraoperatively remains difficu the emerging technology near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) may provide noninvasive, inexpensive, and continuous assessment of cerebral perfusion, offering an "early warning" system before irreversible cerebral ischemia occurs. Methods: A systematic review was undertaken to determine the incidence of intraoperative CDEs as measured by NIRS and whether it is possible to risk stratify patients for intraoperative CDEs, specifically the degree of elevation in the BCP. Results: Searching Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from inception until December 30, 2013, we found 9 studies (N = 339) that met our search criteria. The Level of Evidence was III or IV. Conclusions: There remains a paucity of high-level data. The mean incidence of CDEs was 28.8%. We found a strong positive correlation between CDEs and degree of elevation in the BCP (P = .056). Emerging evidence (Level IV) suggests that we may be able to stratify patients on the basis of age, history of hypertension and stroke, body mass index, diabetes mellitus, obstructive sleep apnea, and height. The challenge remains, however, in defining the degree and duration of cerebral desaturation, as measured by NIRS, required to produce measureable neurocognitive decline postoperatively.
机译:目的:检查在沙滩椅位置(BCP)而不是侧卧位时进行肩关节镜检查的风险。在全身麻醉期间,尤其是在BCP患者中,面临的挑战是确定血压自动调节的下限,正确测量平均动脉压并适当调整参数以维持脑灌注。人们越来越关注BCP及其与术中脑去饱和事件(CDEs)的关系。术中评估CDE仍然很困难;新兴技术近红外光谱(NIRS)可以提供无创,廉价且连续的脑灌注评估,在发生不可逆性脑缺血之前提供“预警”系统。方法:进行了系统的评估,以确定通过NIRS测量的术中CDE的发生率,以及是否有可能对术中CDE的患者进行分层风险,特别是BCP的升高程度。结果:从开始到2013年12月30日,搜索Medline,Embase和对照试验的Cochrane中央登记册,我们发现9项研究(N = 339)符合我们的搜索条件。证据等级为III或IV。结论:缺乏高级数据。 CDE的平均发生率为28.8%。我们发现CDEs与BCP的抬高程度之间有很强的正相关性(P = .056)。新兴证据(IV级)表明,我们可以根据年龄,高血压和中风病史,体重指数,糖尿病,阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停和身高对患者进行分层。然而,仍然存在挑战,即如何定义术后产生可测量的神经认知功能下降所需的大脑去饱和程度和持续时间(通过NIRS测量)。


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