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ASCE Reviews First Phase of Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force's Investigation of Levees


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ASCE'S External Review Panel (ERP), which the Society convened under the authorization of Secretary of Defense Donald H, Rums-feld to peer-review the work of the Inter-agency Performance Evaluation Task Force (IPET)--the body commissioned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to review the performance of the hurricane protection systems in New Orleans and southeastern Louisiana--met at ASCE headquarters, in Reston, Virginia, January 9-10 to discuss the first of the three reports the IPET will produce. Other representatives of the Corps also were present. The IPET was formed at the direction of Lieutenant General Carl A. Strode, the Corps's commander and chief of engineers, to provide credible and objective scientific and engineering answers to fundamental questions about the performance of the hurricane protection and damage reduction system in the New Orleans metropolitan area. The IPET is composed of experts from government, academia, and industry and represents more than 40 organizations. In addition to discussing the investigation, attendees considered the way in which the ERP will interact with the IPET and the IPET'S methodology and goals.
机译:在国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald H. Rums-feld)的授权下,学会召集了ASCE的外部审查小组(ERP),对机构间绩效评估工作组(IPET)的工作进行同行审查。美国陆军工程兵部队将于1月9日至10日在弗吉尼亚州雷斯顿的ASCE总部对新奥尔良和路易斯安那州东南部的飓风保护系统的性能进行评估,以讨论IPET将要提出的三份报告中的第一份。军团的其他代表也出席了会议。 IPET是在陆军总司令兼工程总监卡尔·斯特罗德中将的领导下成立的,旨在为有关新奥尔良飓风保护和减灾系统性能的基本问题提供可靠,客观的科学和工程解答大都市区。 IPET由来自政府,学术界和工业界的专家组成,代表40多个组织。除了讨论调查之外,与会人员还考虑了ERP与IPET互动的方式以及IPET的方法和目标。



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