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Glutamine synthetase activity in rat urine as sensitive marker to detect S3 segment-specific injury of proximal tubule induced by xenobiotics.


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The possibility of detecting segment-specific injury of the proximal tubule by means of urinary enzymes was investigated in rats. Urinary glutamine synthetase, an enzyme exclusively localized in the S3 segment, and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, prevalently a S1-S2, but S3 enzyme also, were determined after single treatment with 100 mg/kg body wt. of hexachloro-1:3-butadiene (HCBD; i.p.), toxic for the S3 segment, or 25 mg/kg body wt. of potassium dichromate (s.c.), toxic for the S1-S2 segments. Excretion of total urinary proteins was also measured. In addition, a dose-response relationship was determined between three doses (50, 100 and 200 mg/kg body wt.) of HCBD and glutamine synthetase activity in urine. Glutamine synthetase activity, measured according to a new assay for urine based on modification of methods developed for organs, increased in the urine only when the S3 segment of the proximal tubule was damaged, as demonstrated by histological findings of the kidneys. HCBD caused early excretion of the enzyme related to the necrosis of the S3 segment, whereas potassium dichromate caused a slight increase only when the resulting lesion to this segment (vacuolization) began to develop. On the contrary, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase activity showed the peak of excretion 24 and 34 h after treatment with HCBD or potassium dichromate, respectively, according to the histological findings of necrosis of the S3 segment (the former) and vacuolization of the S1-S2 segments (the latter). Excretion of total urinary proteins reached the peak 24 h (HCBD) and 48 h (potassium dichromate) after treatment. HCBD at 200 mg/kg body wt, caused a peak of glutamine synthetase activity in urine 10 h after injection, whereas the peak caused by doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg body wt. occurred 24 h following treatment. The peak of enzyme activity in urine significantly increased with the dose. The results suggest that the measurement of urinary activity of S3 segment-specific enzyme as glutamine synthetase allows us to detect early S3 segment-specific injury of the proximal tubule. In addition, the method for urinary enzyme activity appears sensitive, simple and fast.
机译:在大鼠中研究了通过尿酶检测近端小管的节段特异性损伤的可能性。尿谷氨酰胺合成酶(一种专门位于S3区段的酶)和N-乙酰基-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶(主要是S1-S2,但也有S3酶)是在用100 mg / kg体重单次治疗后确定的。六氯-1:3-丁二烯(HCBD; i.p.),对S3段有毒,或25 mg / kg体重。重铬酸钾(s.c.),对S1-S2段有毒。还测量了总尿蛋白的排泄量。此外,确定了三种剂量(50、100和200 mg / kg体重)HCBD与尿液中谷氨酰胺合成酶活性之间的剂量反应关系。谷氨酰胺合成酶活性是根据对器官开发的方法进行修改后根据尿液的新测定法测定的,仅当近端小管的S3段受损时,尿液中的谷氨酰胺合成酶活性才会增加,如肾脏的组织学发现所证明的。六氯丁二烯导致与S3片段坏死有关的酶的早期排泄,而重铬酸钾仅在该部位的病变(真空化)开始发展时才引起轻微增加。相反,根据S3节段坏死(前者)和空泡化的组织学发现,N-乙酰-β-D-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶活性分别在用HCBD或重铬酸钾处理后24和34小时显示出排泄高峰。 S1-S2段中的一个(后者)。治疗后24 h(HCBD)和48 h(重铬酸钾)的总尿蛋白排泄量达到峰值。 HCBD浓度为200 mg / kg体重时,注射后10 h尿液中谷氨酰胺合成酶活性达到峰值,而峰值剂量为50和100 mg / kg体重时。发生在治疗后24小时。尿液中酶活性的峰值随剂量的增加而显着增加。结果表明,S3片段特异性酶作为谷氨酰胺合成酶的尿液活性测定使我们能够检测近端小管的早期S3片段特异性损伤。另外,用于尿酶活性的方法显得灵敏,简单且快速。



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