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Interhemispheric balance in Parkinson's disease: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study


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Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by various changes in motor excitability. Objective: To examine through Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) cortical excitability, specifically addressing interhemispheric connections in PD. Methods: Nineteen PD patients with a predominant involvement of the left hemibody (7 females, age 61.7 years,) and 13 controls (6 females, age 61.5 years) entered the study. Patients were subdivided into two groups (early and advanced) according to the time from PD diagnosis. Participants underwent evaluation of Resting Motor Threshold (RMT) and ipsilateral Silent Period (iSP), induced by suprathreshold TMS on the ipsilateral-M1, measured as suppression of voluntary EMG activity. Mirror Movements (MM) were EMG-recorded and scored, in three upper limb muscles, during unilateral voluntary hand movement. Patients were studied at baseline (OFF drug) and after acute levodopa challenge (ON). Results: PD patients showed a general reduction in RMT vs controls (P < 0.01 for right and left hemisphere) in both drug conditions. Early PD had a significantly lower RMT over the right vs the left hemisphere (P = 0.027); this difference was no longer significant after levodopa. In early PD patients, MM were mainly observed in the right arm during voluntary activation of the left, more affected side both in OFF (P = 0.033) and in ON (P = 0.046). In PD, RMT of the left, less affected M1 was significantly correlated with the right lateralized motor score (P = 0.011; Spearman's coefficient = -0.585), as well as with disease duration. In PD patients, a shorter (P = 0.039) and smaller (P = 0.037) iSP was detected when the stimulus was applied to the worse M1 (right) compared with the contralateral side. This asymmetry was significant only OFF drug. In the PD group iSP-duration from the right, less affected APB was negatively correlated with the MM recorded from the same side during the voluntary movement of the worse side (Spearman's coefficient = -0.498; P = 0.035). Conclusions: Increased cortical motor excitability in PD, consistent with previous findings, is more evident in the worse hemisphere, particularly in early PD. Asymmetric motor involvement is also associated with excessive involuntary mirroring and defective interhemispheric inhibition, both unfavoring the more affected side. Altogether, these findings suggest that asymmetric motor involvement in PD, particularly in the earlier phases of the disease, affects the interhemispheric balance of cortical excitability, movement lateralization and transcallosal inhibition.
机译:背景:帕金森氏病(PD)的特征在于运动兴奋性的各种变化。目的:通过经颅磁刺激(TMS)皮质兴奋性检查,特别是针对PD中的半球连接。方法:19名主要累及左半身的PD患者(7名女性,年龄61.7岁)和13名对照(6名女性,年龄61.5岁)进入研究。根据PD诊断的时间将患者分为两组(早期和晚期)。参与者接受了由同侧M1的超阈值TMS诱导的静息运动阈值(RMT)和同侧静默期(iSP)的评估,以抑制自愿性EMG活动为标准。在单方面自愿手运动过程中,对肌电镜记录(MM)进行记录,并在三个上肢肌肉中对其进行评分。在基线(停用药物)和急性左旋多巴激发后(ON)对患者进行研究。结果:在两种药物条件下,PD患者的RMT均较对照组普遍降低(左右半球P <0.01)。早期PD的右半球与左半球的RMT明显较低(P = 0.027);左旋多巴后这种差异不再显着。在早期的PD患者中,MM主要在右臂的自愿激活过程中观察到,受影响的一侧在OFF(P = 0.033)和ON(P = 0.046)时都受影响。在PD中,受影响较小的左侧R1的RMT与右侧偏侧运动评分(P = 0.011; Spearman系数= -0.585)以及疾病持续时间显着相关。在PD患者中,与对侧相比,对较差的M1(右)施加刺激时,检测到的iSP较短(P = 0.039)而较小(P = 0.037)。该不对称性仅在OFF药物时才是显着的。在右侧的PD组iSP持续时间中,受影响较弱的APB与较差一侧的主动运动过程中从同一侧记录的MM呈负相关(Spearman系数= -0.498; P = 0.035)。结论:与先前的发现一致,PD皮质运动兴奋性的增加在较差的半球尤其是早期PD中更为明显。不对称运动参与还与过度的非自愿镜像和半球间抑制缺陷有关,均不利于受影响的一侧。总而言之,这些发现表明PD的不对称运动受累,尤其是在疾病的早期阶段,会影响大脑皮层兴奋性,运动侧向化和经call抑制的半球间平衡。



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