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Petrochemicals sector supports naphtha


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Strong petrochemical margins are supporting naphtha markets in Asia-Pacific and beyond,although upcoming cracker maintenance will depress demand. Petrochemical firms are operating cracking plants at or near capacity in Asia-Pacific amid attractive downstream margins.Ethylene’s premium to naphtha has risen above$550/t in northeast Asia for the first time since January,reinforcing a trend that has seen ethylene margins nearly double this year compared with 2012(see graph,below). Strong petrochemical sector demand has coincided with a spate of unex-pected refinery shutdowns,boosting Singapore naphtha to a discount of less than $2/bl to light sweet crude in the second half of July.A fire shut HPCL’s 180,000 b/d Bhatinda refinery in India on 20 June,triggering a gasoline buying spree and supporting naphtha prices(AGM,4 July,p7).The shutdown has trimmed Indian naphtha exports,which are likely to fall below 130,000 b/d in August,the lowest since at least the start of last year.And Malaysian Petronas’100,000 b/d Malacca refinery suffered electrical problems in mid-June.The firm has been buying spot gasoline since then,supporting demand to reform naphtha.
机译:尽管即将进行的裂解装置维护将压低需求,但强劲的石化利润正在支撑亚太及其他地区的石脑油市场。在下游利润率可观的情况下,石化公司正在亚太地区裂解工厂的产能达到或接近开工。自一月以来,东北亚地区乙烯对石脑油的溢价已首次超过$ 550 / t,这表明乙烯利润率几乎翻了一番。与2012年相比(见下图)。石化行业的强劲需求正伴随着一系列意料之外的炼油厂关闭,促使新加坡石脑油在7月下半月对轻质低硫原油的贴水价不到$ 2 / bl。一场大火关闭了HPCL的180,000桶/天的Bhatinda炼油厂。印度于6月20日触发了汽油购买热潮并支撑了石脑油价格(AGM,7月4日,p7)。停产削减了印度石脑油的出口量,8月份的石脑油出口量可能降至130,000桶/日以下,这是自去年年初,马来西亚国家石油公司日产10万吨/天的马六甲炼油厂在6月中旬遇到电力问题。该公司自那时以来一直在购买现货汽油,以支持石脑油改革的需求。



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