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Dalia Power Energies and Israel Electric Corporation Have Signed Letters of Intent for Gas from Tamar

机译:Dalia Power Energies与以色列电力公司签署了添马舰天然气意向书

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The consortium led by Noble Energy Inc., the operator of the Tamar field on the Matan tract, has signed two letters of intent (LOIs) for the sale of natural gas from Tamar to the Israeli company Dalia Power Energies, on the one hand, and Israel Electric Corporation (IEC), on the other. Noble Energy explained that the LOI signed with Dalia was for the supply of around 200 billion cu ft of gas over 17 years, adding that the deal was expected to generate total revenues of at least $1 billion. Under the terms of the LOI, the volume supplied could be increased to 700 billion cu ft, depending on the final capacity of the power station that Dalia Power Energies is planning to develop. Dalia Power Energies is a privately-owned company that has obtained a building permit for a gas-fired power station in Israel, which is due to start up in 2013.
机译:由Noble Energy Inc.(马坦地区Tamar油田的运营商)牵头的财团已签署了两份意向书(LOI),意在将Tamar天然气出售给以色列Dalia Power Energies公司,另一个是以色列电气公司(IEC)。来宝能源公司(Noble Energy)解释说,与达利娅(Dalia)签署的意向书旨在在17年内供应约2000亿立方英尺的天然气,并补充说,预计该交易将产生至少10亿美元的总收入。根据意向书的条款,供应量可以增加到7000亿立方英尺,这取决于达利娅动力能源计划开发的电站的最终容量。 Dalia Power Energies是一家私营公司,已获得以色列一家燃气发电厂的建筑许可,该发电厂将于2013年投入使用。



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