首页> 外文期刊>Bipolar disorders. >Does stage of illness impact treatment response in bipolar disorder? Empirical treatment data and their implication for the staging model and early intervention.

Does stage of illness impact treatment response in bipolar disorder? Empirical treatment data and their implication for the staging model and early intervention.


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OBJECTIVE: The staging model suggests that early stages of bipolar disorder respond better to treatments and have a more favourable prognosis. This study aims to provide empirical support for the model, and the allied construct of early intervention. METHODS: Pooled data from mania, depression, and maintenance studies of olanzapine were analyzed. Individuals were categorized as having had 0, 1-5, 6-10, or >10 prior episodes of illness, and data were analyzed across these groups. RESULTS: Response rates for the mania and maintenance studies ranged from 52-69% and 10-50%, respectively, for individuals with 1-5 previous episodes, and from 29-59% and 11-40% for individuals with >5 previous episodes. These rates were significantly higher for the 1-5 group on most measures of response with up to a twofold increase in the chance of responding for those with fewer previous episodes. For the depression studies, response rates were significantly higher for the 1-5 group for two measures only. In the maintenance studies, the chance of relapse to either mania or depression was reduced by 40-60% for those who had experienced 1-5 episodes or 6-10 episodes compared to the >10 episode group, respectively. This trend was statistically significant only for relapse into mania for the 1-5 episode group (p=0.005). CONCLUSION: Those individuals at the earliest stages of illness consistently had a more favourable response to treatment. This is consistent with the staging model and underscores the need to support a policy of early intervention.
机译:目的:分期模型表明双相情感障碍的早期阶段对治疗反应更好,预后更佳。这项研究旨在为该模型以及早期干预的相关构架提供经验支持。方法:对来自奥氮平的躁狂,抑郁和维持研究的汇总数据进行了分析。将个人分类为既往有0、1-5、6-10或> 10个疾病发作,并对这些组中的数据进行了分析。结果:躁狂和维持性研究的反应率分别是:先前发作1-5次的个体为52-69%和10-50%,先前发作> 5的个体为29-59%和11-40%情节。对于1-5组,在大多数缓解措施中,这些发生率显着更高,对于以前发作次数较少的患者,其缓解机会最多增加两倍。对于抑郁症研究,仅通过两种措施,1-5组的缓解率显着更高。在维持性研究中,经历过1-5次发作或6-10次发作的患者与> 10次发作的组相比,复发或躁狂的机会分别降低了40-60%。这种趋势仅在1-5次发作组躁狂复发中具有统计学意义(p = 0.005)。结论:那些处于疾病早期阶段的个体对治疗的反应一直较满意。这与分期模型是一致的,并强调了支持早期干预政策的必要性。



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