首页> 外文期刊>Human psychopharmacology: clinical and experimental >Patterns of simultaneous polysubstance use in drug using university students.

Patterns of simultaneous polysubstance use in drug using university students.


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Simultaneous polysubstance use (SPU) is a common phenomenon, yet little is known about how various substances are used with one another. In the present study 149 drug-using university students completed structured interviews about their use of various substances. For each substance ever used, participants provided details about the type, order and amount of all substances co-administered during its most recent administration. Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis were frequently co-administered with each other and with all other substances. Chi-squared tests revealed that when alcohol was used in combination with any of cannabis, psilocybin, MDMA, cocaine, amphetamine, methylphenidate (ps < 0.01) or LSD (p < 0.05) its initial use preceded the administration of the other substance. Paired samples t-tests revealed that when alcohol was used with cocaine (p < 0.01) or methylphenidate (p < 0.05) it was ingested in greater quantities than when used in their absence. Patterns of cannabis use were not systematically related to other substances administered. Finally, using one-sample t-tests, tobacco use was demonstrated to be increased relative to 'sober' smoking rates when used with alcohol, cannabis, psilocybin, MDMA, cocaine, amphetamine (ps < 0.001), LSD (p < 0.01) or methylphenidate (p < 0.05). Results suggest that many substances are routinely used in a SPU context and that the pattern in which a substance is used may be related to other substances co-administered. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
机译:同时多重药物使用(SPU)是一种常见的现象,但很少有人知道如何不同物质的使用。本研究149大学生用药完成了对他们的使用结构化面试各种物质。使用,参与者提供细节类型、订单和数量的物质在最近的流行性流感减毒活疫苗管理。经常被流行性流感减毒活疫苗呢和所有其他物质。显示,当酒精使用裸盖菇素结合的大麻,MDMA,可卡因,安非他明、哌醋甲酯(p <0.01)或LSD (p < 0.05)首次使用之前其他物质的管理。样本t透露,当酒精使用可卡因(p < 0.01)或哌醋甲酯(p < 0.05),它在大量摄入使用时比在他们的缺席。吸食大麻没有相关系统其他物质。单样本t,烟草使用证明增加相对清醒的吸烟率当使用酒精、大麻、裸盖菇素MDMA,可卡因,安非他命(p < 0.001), LSD (p <0.01)或哌醋甲酯(p < 0.05)。表明,许多物质通常使用在SPU上下文的模式物质可能与其他使用物质流行性流感减毒活疫苗。约翰•威利& Sons有限公司



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