首页> 外文期刊>Annals of surgical oncology >Desmoplastic melanoma: Is there a role for sentinel lymph node biopsy?

Desmoplastic melanoma: Is there a role for sentinel lymph node biopsy?


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Background: The utility of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) for desmoplastic melanoma (DM) is debated. We describe a large single-institution experience with SLNB for DM to determine clinicopathologic factors predictive of SLN metastasis. Methods: Retrospective review identified 205 patients with DM who underwent SLNB from 1992 to 2010. Clinicopathologic characteristics were correlated with SLN status and outcome. Results: Median age was 66 years, and 69 % of patients were male. Median Breslow thickness was 3.7 mm. In 128 cases (62 %), histologic subtype data was available; 61 cases (47.7 %) were mixed and 67 cases (52.3 %) were pure DM. A positive SLN was found in 28 cases (13.7 %); 24.6 % of mixed and 9 % of pure DM had SLN metastases. Multivariable analysis demonstrated that after controlling for age, histologic subtype correlated with SLN status [odds ratio: 3.0 for mixed vs pure, 95 % confidence interval: 1.1-8.7; p <.05]. Completion lymph node dissection was performed in 24 of 28 positive SLN patients with 16.7 % of cases having additional nodal disease. After a median follow-up of 6.3 years, 38 patients developed recurrence and 61 patients died. Positive SLN patients had a significantly higher risk of melanoma-related death compared with negative SLN patients (p =.01). Conclusions: The overall risk for SLN metastasis for DM is 13.7 % and is significantly higher for mixed (24.6 %) compared with pure (9.0 %) DM. We believe that these rates are sufficient to justify consideration of SLNB for both histologic variants, especially since detection of SLN disease appears to predict a higher risk for melanoma-related death.
机译:背景:关于前哨淋巴结活检(SLNB)用于增生性黑色素瘤(DM)的实用性存在争议。我们描述了SLNB用于DM的大型单一机构经验,以确定可预测SLN转移的临床病理因素。方法:回顾性研究确定了1992年至2010年间205例行SLNB的DM患者。临床病理特征与SLN的状态和结局相关。结果:中位年龄为66岁,其中69%为男性。 Breslow中层厚度为3.7毫米。在128例(62%)中,有组织学亚型数据。纯DM占61例(47.7%),而67例(52.3%)。 28例病例中SLN阳性(13.7%); 24.6%的混合DM和9%的纯DM患有SLN转移。多变量分析表明,在控制了年龄之后,组织学亚型与SLN状态相关[比值比:混合与纯净比为3.0,95%置信区间为1.1-8.7;纯净比为95%。 p <.05]。在28例SLN阳性患者中,有24例完成了淋巴结清扫术,其中16.7%的患者患有其他淋巴结转移。中位随访6.3年后,38例患者复发,61例死亡。阳性的SLN患者与阴性的SLN患者相比,黑色素瘤相关死亡的风险显着更高(p = .01)。结论:DM的SLN转移的总体风险为13.7%,与纯DM的(9.0%)相比,混合(24.6%)的风险显着更高。我们认为,这些比率足以证明对两种组织学变异均考虑使用SLNB是合理的,尤其是因为SLN疾病的检测似乎预示着黑色素瘤相关死亡的更高风险。



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