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Two-color mid-infrared thermometer with a hollow glass optical fiber


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We have developed a low-temperature optical-fiber-based two-color infrared thermometer. A single 700-μm-bore hollow glass optical fiber collects and transmits radiation that is then modulated and split into two paths by a reflective optical chopper. Two different thermoelectrically cooled mid-infrared HgCdZnTe photoconductors monitor the chopped signals that are recovered with lock-in amplification. With the two previously obtained blackbody calibration equations, a computer algorithm calculates the true temperature and emissivity of a target in real time, taking into account reflection of the ambient radiation field from the target surface. The small numerical aperture of the hollow glass fiber and the fast response of the detectors, together with the two-color principle, permit high spatial and temporal resolution while allowing the user to dynamically alter the fiber-to-target distance.#1998 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 040.3060, 060.2390, 170.4580, 230.4040, 230.5160, 260.3090.
机译:我们开发了基于低温光纤的两色红外温度计。一根700微米孔径的空心玻璃光纤收集并传输辐射,然后通过反射光斩波器将其调制并分成两条路径。两种不同的热电冷却中红外HgCdZnTe光电导体监视斩波信号,这些信号通过锁定放大来恢复。利用先前获得的两个黑体校准方程,计算机算法会实时计算目标的真实温度和发射率,同时考虑到环境辐射场从目标表面的反射。中空玻璃纤维的小数值孔径和检测器的快速响应,再加上双色原理,可以实现高空间和时间分辨率,同时允许用户动态地改变纤维到目标的距离。#1998 Optical Society美国OCIS代码:040.3060、060.2390、170.4580、230.4040、230.5160、260.3090。



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