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Exploration of a methodology aimed at exploring the characteristics of teenage dating violence and preliminary findings


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore a novel approach toward investigating violence in adolescent dating relationships by administering a reflective survey to female college students. Research Hypothesis: Results from the Danger Assessment (DA) tool and the Abuse Assessment Screen (AAS) will be highly correlated with concepts from the Theory of Female Adolescents' Safety as Determined by the Dynamics of the Circle (TFASDC). Design: A descriptive cross-sectional survey of 188 female college students was conducted. Setting: This study was carried out in a Northeastern academic university and health center. Main Research Variables and Measurement: Main research variables and measurement included the AAS, the DA, and concepts from the TFASDC. Findings: One in three participants reported dating violence on the DA; and one in five, on the AAS. Nine percent of the sample reported forced sex on the DA. Concepts from the TFASDC correlated to dating violence include the following: low scores on group belonging, increased number of sex and/or dating partners, dating an older boy, and time in relationship. Conclusion: The TFASDC holds promise for use as both a risk- and a strength-based assessment in teenagers, with the ultimate goal of fostering the development of healthy relationships.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是通过对女大学生进行反思性调查,探索一种调查青少年约会关系中暴力行为的新颖方法。研究假设:危险评估(DA)工具和虐待评估屏幕(AAS)的结果将与女性动力学理论(TFASDC)确定的概念高度相关。设计:对188名女大学生进行了描述性横断面调查。地点:这项研究是在东北大学和健康中心进行的。主要研究变量和度量:主要研究变量和度量包括AAS,DA和TFASDC的概念。调查结果:三分之一的参与者报告了在DA上的约会暴力;五分之一,在AAS上。 9%的样本报告在DA上强迫性行为。来自TFASDC的与约会暴力相关的概念包括以下内容:团体归属感得分低,性和/或约会对象的数量增加,与大男孩约会以及建立关系的时间。结论:TFASDC有望在青少年中用作基于风险和基于力量的评估,其最终目标是促进健康关系的发展。



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