首页> 外文期刊>Biotropica >Vegetative identification of tropical woody plants: State of the art andannotated bibliography [Review]

Vegetative identification of tropical woody plants: State of the art andannotated bibliography [Review]


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This annorated bibliography is provided in order to assess the achievements and gaps in the literature on vegetative identification of woody plants In the tropics. The bibliography includes 258 references divided into general references (48), pantropical and multi-continental keys (4), Africa (46), Asia (53), Australia and New Guinea (21), and the Neotropics (86). Vegetative keys are not easy shortcuts to the identification of woody tropical plants to species. Identification of sterile material requires as much, if not more, training as that required for using keys char emphasize floral and fruit characters. Nevertheless, the literature surveyed in this bibliography may be helpful to biologists seeking references For the geographic region in which they work, models for the construct ion of vegetative keys and field guides, and/or the types of characters that should be observed in the field.



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