
Health Status and Health Behaviors in Venezuelan Pharmacy Students


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Objectives: The goals of this study were to assess the self-reported health status of Venezuelan pharmacy students, and to examine the association between self-reported health status and health behaviors in these individuals. Methods: A random sample 171 of pharmacy students, ranging in age from 18 to 35 years were surveyed using a written questionnaire. Health status was assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study Health Survey Short-Form 36 (SF-36). The sample consisted of 127 women and 44 men. The sample had a mean age of 22.3 ± 2.71 years. The associations between health status and health behaviors were examined using both bivariate and multivariate models. The bi-variate association was examined by t tests. Multiple regression analysis was used to model each SF-36 score separately using as independent variables sex, lack of regular exercise, regular smoking, and alcohol consumption. Results: The regression model explained between 6 and 12 of the variance in perceived health status. Controlling for other variables in the model, male students had significantlyhigher scores in bodily pain, general health, vitality, and social functioning than female students. Controlling for other variables in the model, lack of regular exercise was associated with significantly lower scores in physical functioning, bodily pain, and vitality; and regular smoking with significantly lower scores in physical functioning and general health. Controlling for other variables in the model, students who reported consuming alcohol had significantly higher scores in role-physical, bodily pain, and social functioning than students who did not report to consuming alcohol. Conclusions: This exploratory study demonstrates sex differences in health behaviors and perceived health status in pharmacy students. Health status is associated with several health behaviors in this sample of pharmacy students.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是评估委内瑞拉的自我报告健康状况药店学生,检查协会自我报告健康状况和健康之间的关系在这些个人行为。样本171个药店学生,年龄从18岁到35年使用书面调查问卷调查。医疗健康调查结果研究短小精悍的36 (SF-36)。127名妇女和44人。22.3±2.71年。检查健康状况和健康行为使用二元和多元模式。bi-variate协会是由t检验测试。多元回归分析模型每个SF-36分数分别使用独立的变量性,缺乏定期锻炼,定期吸烟和饮酒。回归模型解释的6%和12%之间方差的健康状况。控制其他变量的模型中,男学生有significantlyhigher分数身体上的疼痛,一般健康,活力和社会功能比女性学生。其他变量在模型中,缺乏定期运动大大降低成绩在物理功能,身体上的疼痛活力;生理功能和通用中得分较低健康。模型中,学生报告饮酒在role-physical分数明显高了,身体上的疼痛,比学生和社会功能没有报告饮酒。结论:这个探索性研究演示了性别差异在健康行为和感知学生健康状况在药房。与几个相关健康行为这个示例的药店的学生。



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