首页> 外文期刊>Value in health: the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research >Costo Efectividad de Posaconazol versus Fluconazol/Itraconazol en el Tratamiento Profilactico de las Infecciones Fungicas Invasivas en Mexico

Costo Efectividad de Posaconazol versus Fluconazol/Itraconazol en el Tratamiento Profilactico de las Infecciones Fungicas Invasivas en Mexico

机译:Posaconazol与效率成本Itraconazol /氟康唑治疗Profilactico Fungicas感染Invasivas和墨西哥

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Cost effectiveness of posaconazole versus fluconazole/itraconazole therapy in the prophylaxis against invasive fungal Infections among high-risk neutropenic patients in Mexico. Objective: To estimate the cost effectiveness and long-term combined effects of Posaconazole versus fluconazole/itraconazole (standard azole) therapy in the prophylaxis against invasive fungal Infections among high-risk neutropenic patients in Mexico. Methods: A previously validated Markov model was used to compare the projected lifetime costs and effects of two theoretical groups of patients, one receiving Posaconazole and the other receiving standard azole. The model estimates total costs, numbers of IFIs, and QALY per patient in each prophylaxis group. To extrapolate trial results to a lifetime horizon, the model was extended with one-month Markov cycles in which mortality risk is specific to the underlying disease. Data on the probabilities of IFI were obtained from Study Protocol PO1899. Drug costs were taken from average wholesale drug reports for 2009. Cost and health effects were discounted at 5 according to the Mexican guideline. The analysis was conducted from the Mexican healthcare perspectiveusing 2008 unit cost prices. Results: Our model projects an accumulated cost to the Mexican healthcare system per patient receiving the Posaconazol regimen of $US 5,634 compared to $US 7,463 for the standard azole regimen. The accumulated discounted effect is 3.13 LY or 2.25 QALYs per patient receiving Posaconazol, compared to 2.96 LY or 2.13 QALYs per patient receiving standard azole. Posaconazol. remained the dominant strategy across each scenario. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis tested numerous assumptions about the model cost and efficacy parameters and found that the results were robust to most changes. Conclusion: Posaconazole provides modest incremental benefits compared with standard azole therapy in the prophylaxis against IFIs among high-risk neutropenic patients. Routine Posaconazole use appears a cost saving when the likelihood of IFIs or the cost of treatment medications is high. Palabras Claues. costo/efectividad, fluconazol, itraconazol, infecciones fungicas, posaconazol.
机译:泊沙康唑与成本效益氟康唑或伊曲康唑治疗侵袭性真菌感染的预防服务在高危患者粒细胞减少性在墨西哥。目的:评估有效性和成本泊沙康唑与长期相结合的影响氟康唑和伊曲康唑(标准唑)治疗在对侵入性真菌预防感染高危粒细胞减少性病人在墨西哥。模型被用来比较预期寿命两个理论组的成本和效果病人,一个接收泊沙康唑其他接收标准唑。估计总成本、国际金融机构的数量和提升每个病人每个预防组。试验结果推断一生的地平线,一个月的马尔可夫模型扩展死亡率是特定于周期潜在的疾病。如果是来自PO1899研究协议。药物成本从平均批发药品2009年的报告。根据墨西哥折扣为5%指导方针。墨西哥医疗perspectiveusing 2008单位成本价格。累积成本墨西哥医疗体系每个病人接受的Posaconazol方案5634比7463美元的标准唑疗程。是3.13光年或2.25 qaly每个病人接受吗qaly Posaconazol,而2.96光年或2.13每名患者接受标准唑。Posaconazol。在每个场景。分析测试大量的假设模型参数,发现成本和效果结果是强劲的大部分变化。结论:泊沙康唑提供适度的增量效益相比,唑标准治疗在预防与国际金融机构高风险粒细胞减少性病人。泊沙康唑使用出现的成本节约国际金融机构或治疗费用的可能性药物是很高的。/成本效率、氟康唑、itraconazolfungicas, posaconazol感染。



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