首页> 外文期刊>Archives of gynecology and obstetrics. >Reference values of fetal ductus venosus, inferior vena cava and hepatic vein blood flow velocities and waveform indices during the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Reference values of fetal ductus venosus, inferior vena cava and hepatic vein blood flow velocities and waveform indices during the second and third trimester of pregnancy.


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OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to establish reference values for ductus venosus, inferior vena cava and hepatic vein flow velocities during ventricular systole (S-wave) and diastole (D-wave), the lowest forward velocity during atrial contraction (a-wave), the intensity-weighted mean flow velocity (Vmean) and different calculated indices. METHODS: Venous flow velocity waveforms were obtained from 329 singleton pregnancies at 20-42 weeks of gestation by pulsed-wave color Doppler. Reference values were constructed by means of a quadratic regression model after logarithmic transformation of original data. RESULTS: With advancing gestational age the peak velocity index for the vein (PVIV) and pulsatility index for the vein (PIV) decreased whereas blood flow velocities increased. Blood flow velocities were highest in the ductus venosus and lowest in the right hepatic vein. Values for PVIV and PIV were highest in the hepatic vein and lowest in the ductus venosus. During atrial contraction there was a blood flowtowards the fetal heart in the ductus venosus, whereas in the inferior vena cava and in the hepatic vein blood flow was either in the opposite from the fetal heart (reverse flow), or there was absent flow (zero flow) or flow was towards the fetal heart (positive flow). CONCLUSIONS: The reference ranges and calculated velocities established in this study may be utilized in studies dealing with the role of ductus venosus and inferior vena cava blood flow in fetuses with chromosomal abnormalities or congenital heart disease as well as hypoxic conditions. We speculate, that the reduction in PVIV and PIV with advancing gestational age may reflect a decrease in cardiac afterload as a result of maturation of diastolic ventricular function.
机译:目的:我们的目的是建立心室收缩期(S波)和舒张期(D波)时导管静脉,下腔静脉和肝静脉流速的参考值,心房收缩(a波)时的最低向前速度,强度加权平均流速(Vmean)和不同的计算指标。方法:采用脉冲波彩色多普勒技术,从妊娠20-42周时的329例单胎妊娠获得静脉流速波形。对原始数据进行对数转换后,通过二次回归模型构建参考值。结果:随着胎龄的增加,静脉的峰值速度指数(PVIV)和静脉的搏动指数(PIV)降低,而血流速度增加。静脉导管的血流速度最高,而右肝静脉的血流速度最低。 PVIV和PIV的值在肝静脉中最高,在静脉导管中最低。在心房收缩期间,静脉内有血流流向胎儿心脏,而在下腔静脉和肝静脉中血流要么与胎儿心脏相反(逆流),要么没有血流(零)。流量或流入胎儿心脏的流量(正向流量)。结论:本研究确定的参考范围和计算的速度可用于研究患有染色体异常或先天性心脏病以及低氧状况的胎儿的静脉导管和下腔静脉血流量的作用。我们推测,随着胎龄的增长,PVIV和PIV的降低可能反映了舒张性心室功能成熟导致心脏后负荷的降低。



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