首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Animal Nutrition >Colostrum and milk selenium, antioxidative capacity and immune status of dairy cows fed sodium selenite or selenium yeast.

Colostrum and milk selenium, antioxidative capacity and immune status of dairy cows fed sodium selenite or selenium yeast.


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Dietary selenium (Se) can be supplemented from organic or inorganic sources and this may affect Se metabolism and functional outcome such as antioxidative status and immune functions in dairy cows. A feeding trial was performed with 16 Holstein-Friesian dairy cows fed with a total mixed ration (0.18 mg Se/kg dry matter (DM)) either without Se supplement (Control, n = 5), or with Se from sodium selenite (Group SeS, n = 5) or Se yeast (Group SeY, n = 6). In Groups SeS and SeY, the Se supplementation amounted to an additional intake of 4 mg Se and 6 mg Se/d during gestation and lactation, respectively. The effect of both Se sources was characterised by milk Se and antioxidant levels, and the phenotyping and functional assessment of phagocytic activity of milk immune cells. Se yeast has been found to increase (P <= 0.001) the milk Se and antioxidant levels markedly compared to the control group. The experimental treatment did not affect the immune parameters of the cows. Lymphocyte subpopulations and phagocytosis activity of neutrophilic granulocytes were affected neither by the Se intake nor by the two different dietary supplements. It can be concluded that sodium selenite and Se yeast differ considerably in their effects on antioxidant status in dairy cows. However, the basal dietary Se concentration of 0.18 mg/kg DM seemed to be high enough for the measured immune variables
机译:膳食硒(Se)可以从有机或无机来源补充,这可能会影响硒代谢和功能结果,例如奶牛的抗氧化状态和免疫功能。对16只荷斯坦-弗里斯兰奶牛进行饲喂试验,饲喂总混合日粮(0.18 mg Se / kg干物质(DM))或不添加硒(对照组,n = 5)或使用亚硒酸钠中的硒(组) SeS,n = 5)或Se酵母(SeY组,n = 6)。在SeS和SeY组中,在妊娠和哺乳期分别补充了4 mg Se和6 mg Se / d的硒。两种硒源的作用都以牛奶中的硒和抗氧化剂水平以及牛奶免疫细胞的吞噬活性的表型和功能评估为特征。已发现与对照组相比,硒酵母可显着提高(P <= 0.001)牛奶中的硒和抗氧化剂水平。实验处理不影响母牛的免疫参数。中性粒细胞的淋巴细胞亚群和吞噬活性不受硒摄入量和两种不同膳食补充剂的影响。可以得出结论,亚硒酸钠和硒酵母对奶牛抗氧化状态的影响差异很大。然而,基础日粮中硒的浓度为0.18 mg / kg DM对于测量的免疫变量似乎足够高



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