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Composition in essential and non-essential elements of early stages ofcephalopods and dietary effects on the elemental profiles of Octopusvulgaris paralarvae


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During the present study, we aimed at providing a first look at the elemental composition of the early stages of cephalopods as an approach to their elemental requirements in culture. Essential and non-essential elemental profiles of the European cuttlefish Sepia officinalis, the European squid Loligo vulgaris and the common octopus Octopus vulgaris laboratory hatchlings and wild juveniles were analysed. In addition, for O. vulgaris we determined elemental profiles of mature ovary, eggs in different stages of development and followed possible effects of four dietary treatments during paralarval rearing, also analyzing elemental content of the live preys Artemia nauplii and Maja brachydactyla hatchling zoeae. Content was determined for essential (As, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Rb, S, Sr, Zn) and non-essential (Ag, Al, Ba, Cd, Hg, Pb) elements. The content in non-essential elements found in hatchlings and juveniles of the three species analyzed here seems to be far lower in comparison with subadult and adult stages of coastal cephalopods. In the octopus eggs, the non-essential element concentrations remained globally low compared to hatchlings and juveniles indicating the absorption of these elements along the ontogenetic development. The elemental composition of the octopus ovary and of the eggs, hatchlings and juveniles of the three cephalopod species analyzed here showed a high content in S. As expected, the calcified internal shell of the cuttlefish, rich in Ca and Sr, originates the main difference between species. It is remarkable the richness in Cu of hatchling octopus, that may indicate a particular nutritional requirement for this element during the planktonic life. The reared octopus paralarvae feed on Artemia nauplii, a prey with relatively low Cu content, showed nearly half Cu content that the ''natural'' profile of octopus hatchlings or wild juveniles. This suggests a dietary effect and/or an indication of the poor physiological stage of the Artemia-fed paralarvae. At the present, the percentage of essential element absorption by food or seawater is unknown for cephalopods and should be determined in the future to understand their feeding requirements in culture.
机译:在本研究中,我们旨在提供对头足类动物早期阶段的元素组成的初步了解,以此作为他们对文化中元素需求的一种方法。分析了欧洲墨鱼乌贼墨,欧洲鱿鱼Loligo vulgaris和普通章鱼章鱼实验室的幼鱼和野生幼鱼的基本和非必需元素特征。此外,对于普通小麦,我们确定了成熟卵巢,卵在不同发育阶段的元素特征,并跟踪了在幼虫抚养期间四种饮食处理的可能作用,还分析了活体猎物无节幼体无节幼体和Maja brachydactyla孵化斑纹的元素含量。确定了必需元素(As,Ca,Cr,Co,Cu,Fe,K,Mg,Mn,Na,Ni,P,Rb,S,Sr,Zn)和非必需元素(Ag,Al,Ba,Cd)的含量,Hg,Pb)元素。与沿海头足类动物的亚成年和成年阶段相比,在此分析的这三个物种的幼体和幼鱼中发现的非必需元素的含量似乎要低得多。与章鱼和幼鱼相比,章鱼卵中的非必需元素浓度总体上保持较低水平,表明这些元素在个体发育过程中被吸收。章鱼卵巢的元素组成以及这里分析的三种头足类物种的卵,孵化和幼鱼的元素组成均显示其高含量的S。如预期的那样,富含Ca和Sr的墨鱼钙化内壳是主要差异物种之间。值得注意的是,八达通章鱼的铜含量丰富,这可能表明在浮游生物中该元素的特殊营养需求。以卤虫无节幼体(一种含铜量相对较低的猎物)为食的章鱼幼虫的饲养显示出近八分之一的铜含量,这是章鱼幼体或野生少年的“自然”特征。这表明饮食效果和/或表明由卤虫喂养的幼虫的生理阶段较差。目前,对于头足类动物而言,尚不知道食物或海水对必需元素的吸收百分比,因此应在将来确定这些百分比,以了解它们在养殖中的摄食要求。



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