首页> 外文期刊>Aquarium Sciences and Conservation >Health status of ornamental freshwater fishes imported to South Africa: a pilot study

Health status of ornamental freshwater fishes imported to South Africa: a pilot study


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Keeping fish is a popular pastime in South Africa and the majority of ornamental fish are imported. A pilot study was initiated to examine the health status of ornamental freshwater fishes imported to South Africa. Four groups of thirty fish each were examined for the presence of external parasites, and processed for virus isolation and for bacterial and mycobacterial culture. The groups consisted of goldfish (Carassius auratus), koi (Cyprinus carpio), guppies (Poecilia reticulata) and cardinal tetras (Cheirodon axelrodi). Mycobacterium fortuitum was isolated from the goldfish and koi. No other significant bacteria were isolated and virus culture was negative for all groups. Skin scrapings and wet gill preparations were made to detect external parasites. Parasites were identified from fixed material. External parasites included Trichodina mutabilis, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, ciliophorans of the genus Tetrahymena, and monogeneans belonging to the genera Dactylogyrus and Gyrodactylus. This is the first report of Trichodina mutabilis in South Africa. Diseases imported with ornamental fish pose a risk to both indigenous fish populations and the aquaculture industry.
机译:养鱼是南非的一种流行消遣方式,大多数观赏鱼是进口的。启动了一项试点研究,以检查进口到南非的观赏淡水鱼的健康状况。检查四组,每组三十条鱼,检查是否存在外部寄生虫,并进行病毒分离以及细菌和分枝杆菌培养。这些鱼群包括金鱼(Car鱼),锦鲤(鲤鱼),孔雀鱼(孔雀草)和红衣主教(Cheirodon axelrodi)。福特分枝杆菌是从金鱼和锦鲤中分离出来的。没有分离出其他重要细菌,所有组的病毒培养均为阴性。进行皮肤刮擦和湿g准备以检测外部寄生虫。从固定材料中鉴定出寄生虫。外部寄生虫包括毛滴虫(Trichodina mutabilis),多虫鱼(Ichthyophthirius multifiliis),四膜虫属的纤毛虫和Dactylogyrus和Gyrodactylus属的单属虫。这是南非Trichodina mutabilis的首次报道。观赏鱼输入的疾病对土著鱼类种群和水产养殖业均构成风险。



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