首页> 外文期刊>Arabian journal of geosciences >Microfacies, diagenesis, and depositional environments of the Tertiary carbonates of Usfan Formation in Haddat Ash Sham area, Western Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia

Microfacies, diagenesis, and depositional environments of the Tertiary carbonates of Usfan Formation in Haddat Ash Sham area, Western Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia

机译:沙特阿拉伯阿拉伯盾西部Haddat Ash Sham地区Usfan组第三系碳酸盐的微相,成岩作用和沉积环境

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The studied carbonates are present within the middle part of the Tertiary siliciclastic dominated succession in Haddat Ash Sham area. This succession consists of conglomerates, sandstones, siltstones, mudstones, and ironstones arranged in upward coarsening and fining cycles of intermittent depositional environments ranging from fluvial coastal plain to shallow marine. The carbonates represent deposition in slightly restricted depositional environments during periods of very low clastic input. The studied two carbonate sections show a pronounced lateral and vertical changes from predominantly dolostones in the west to mixed dolostones and limestones in the east. Both sections began by egg yellow dolomitic lime mudstones and fine crystalline dolomite which indicate the formation of dolomite by late depositional to early diagenetic recrystallization of precursor Fe and Mg lime mud. During this time period, the western part of the study area continues in the deposition of Fe and Mg lime mud in slightly restricted depositional environments and formation of interbedded fine and coarse crystalline dolostones in coarsening-upward cycles. In the eastern part, the depositional environments become deeper and more circulated with short-lived periods of fluctuation in sea level and hence the deposition of foraminiferal wackestone, bioclastic packstones, and bioclastic rudstone in coarsening and shallowing-upward cycles. Both the western and eastern parts of the study area are terminated by characteristic yellow coarse crystalline phosphatic dolomite which indicate ultimate stages of shoaling and increasing the level and concentration of phosphorous in the restricted water and hence the formation of in situ and reworked phosphatic components. The diagenetic processes affected the dolostones and limestones microfacies associations include: dolomitization of Fe and Mg-rich lime mud, hematitization, calcitization, gypsification, and phosphatization of dolomite. Neophormation and recrystallization of micritic matrix and micritic intraclasts as well as shell fragments are the main diagenetic processes affected the limestones.
机译:研究的碳酸盐存在于Haddat Ash Sham地区第三纪硅质碎屑为主的演替段的中部。此系列包括砾岩,砂岩,粉砂岩,泥岩和铁岩,它们排列在从河流沿岸平原到浅海的间歇性沉积环境的向上粗化和细化循环中。碳酸盐岩表示碎屑输入非常低的时期内沉积环境受到轻微限制。研究的两个碳酸盐岩剖面显示出明显的横向和垂直变化,从西部的白云岩到东部的混合白云岩和石灰岩。这两部分都是由蛋黄白云岩石灰岩和细晶白云岩开始的,这表明白云岩是由前体铁镁镁泥的晚期沉积到早期成岩再结晶而形成的。在这段时间里,研究区的西部继续在有限的沉积环境中沉积铁和镁石灰泥,并在向上粗化的周期中形成互层的细晶和粗晶白云岩。在东部,沉积环境变得更深,更循环,海平面波动的时间很短,因此有孔虫威克石,生物碎屑堆积石和生物碎质的ruststone在粗化和浅浅向上的循环中沉积。研究区域的东部和西部均以特征性的黄色粗晶体磷白云石作为终点,这表明浅滩的最终阶段,并增加了受限水中磷的含量和浓度,从而形成了原位和返工的磷组分。成岩过程影响了白云岩和石灰岩的微相联系,包括:富铁和富镁的石灰泥的白云石化,赤铁矿化,钙化,石膏化和白云岩的磷化。微晶基质和微晶胞内碎屑以及壳碎片的新生和再结晶是影响石灰岩的主要成岩过程。



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