首页> 外文期刊>Bone >Localized deferoxamine injection augments vascularity and improves bony union in pathologic fracture healing after radiotherapy

Localized deferoxamine injection augments vascularity and improves bony union in pathologic fracture healing after radiotherapy


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Background: Medically based efforts and alternative treatment strategies to prevent or remediate the corrosive effects of radiotherapy on pathologic fracture healing have failed to produce clear and convincing evidence of success. Establishing an effective pharmacologic option to prevent or treat the development of non-unions in this setting could have immense therapeutic potential. Experimental studies have shown that deferoxamine (DFO), an iron-chelating agent, bolsters vascularity and subsequently enhances normal fracture healing when injected locally into a fracture callus in long bone animal models. Since radiotherapy is known to impede angiogenesis, we hypothesized that the pharmacologic addition of DFO would serve to mitigate the effects of radiotherapy on new vessel formation in vitro and in vivo. Materials and Methods: In vitro investigation of angiogenesis was conducted utilizing HUVEC cells in Matrigel. Endothelial tubule formation assays were divided into four groups: Control, Radiated, Radiated. +. Low-Dose DFO and Radiated. + High-Dose DFO. Tubule formation was quantified microscopically and video recorded for the four groups simultaneously during the experiment In vivo, three groups of Sprague-Dawley rats underwent external fixator placement and fracture osteotomy of the left mandible. Two groups received pre-operative fractionated radiotherapy, and one of these groups was treated with DFO after fracture repair. After 40. days, the animals were perfused and imaged with micro-CT to calculate vascular radiomorphometrics. Results: In vitro, endothelial tubule formation assays demonstrated that DFO mitigated the deleterious effects of radiation on angiogenesis. Further, high-dose DFO cultures appeared to organize within 2. h of incubation and achieved a robust network that was visibly superior to all other experimental groups in an accelerated fashion. In vivo, animals subjected to a human equivalent dose of radiotherapy (HEDR) and left mandibular fracture demonstrated quantifiably diminished μCT metrics of vascular density, as well as a 75% incidence of associated non-unions. The addition of DFO in this setting markedly improved vascularity as demonstrated with 3D angiographic modeling. In addition, we observed an increased incidence of bony unions in the DFO treated group when compared to radiated fractures without treatment (67% vs. 25% respectively). Conclusion: Our data suggest that selectively targeting angiogenesis with localized DFO injections is sufficient to remediate the associated severe vascular diminution resulting from a HEDR. Perhaps the most consequential and clinically relevant finding was the ability to reduce the incidence of non-unions in a model where fracture healing was not routinely observed.
机译:背景:医学上为预防或补救放射疗法对病理性骨折愈合的腐蚀作用而做出的努力和替代治疗策略未能产生明确而令人信服的成功证据。在这种情况下,建立有效的药理学方法来预防或治疗骨不连的发展可能具有巨大的治疗潜力。实验研究表明,铁螯合剂去铁胺(DFO)在长骨动物模型中局部注入骨折愈伤组织时可增强血管生成并随后增强正常的骨折愈合。由于已知放疗会阻碍血管生成,因此我们假设DFO的药理作用将减轻体外和体内放疗对新血管形成的影响。材料与方法:利用Matrigel中的HUVEC细胞进行血管生成的体外研究。内皮小管形成测定分为四组:对照,放射,放射。 +。低剂量DFO和辐射。 +大剂量DFO。在实验过程中,通过显微镜对小管的形成进行了定量量化,并同时记录了四组的视频。在体内,三组Sprague-Dawley大鼠接受了外固定架的放置,并切除了左下颌骨。两组接受术前分次放疗,其中一组在骨折修复后接受DFO治疗。 40天后,将动物灌注并用微型CT成像以计算血管放射形态学。结果:在体外,内皮小管形成测定表明DFO减轻了放射对血管生成的有害作用。此外,高剂量的DFO培养物似乎在孵育后的2小时内组织起来,并形成了一个强大的网络,该网络明显以加速的方式优于所有其他实验组。在体内,接受人类等效剂量放射治疗(HEDR)和左下颌骨骨折的动物表现出可量化地降低了μCT血管密度指标,并且相关不愈合的发生率达到了75%。如3D血管造影模型所示,在这种情况下添加DFO可以显着改善血管。此外,与未经治疗的放射状骨折相比,DFO治疗组的骨结合发生率增加(分别为67%和25%)。结论:我们的数据表明,通过局部DFO注射选择性靶向血管生成足以补救HEDR引起的相关严重血管缩小。可能最重要的和临床相关的发现是减少常规观察不到骨折愈合的模型中不愈合的发生率的能力。



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