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Competition, activity budget and feed intake of ewes when reducing the feeding space


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Even if ruminants are fed roughage act libitum, reducing the number of feeding places may have negative effects on both feed intake and behaviour. The aim of this experiment was to investigate effects of reduced feeding space on competition, activity budget and feed intake of ewes fed ad libitum on two types of roughages. A 3 x 2 factorial experiment was conducted with number of animals per feeding place (1:1, 2:1 or 3:1) and type of roughage (grass silage or hay) as main factors. A total of 48 pregnant, adult ewes of the Data breed were randomly divided into eight groups of six animals; four of these groups were fed grass silage whereas the other four groups were fed hay. The ewes were video recorded for 24 h at the end of each experimental period, and the activities such as feeding, queuing and resting of each ewe were scored using 10-min instantaneous scan sampling. Displacements from the feed barrier were scored continuously for the first 10 min of every hour.Daily intake of silage was not affected by reducing the feeding space from 1:1 to 1:3, but for ewes fed on hay, the daily intake was significantly reduced by 6.8% (P < 0.05). However, time spent eating hay was significantly longer than time spent eating silage (P < 0.05). Irrespectively of type of roughage, time spent eating was significantly reduced (P < 0.0001) whereas CV for eating was increased (P < 0.05) when feeding space was reduced. Overall, the competition level was higher when the ewes were fed on hay than on silage (queuing: P < 0.01: displacements: P < 0.01). In the hay treatment, the time spent queuing increased from 0.3% in the 1:1 treatment to 5.3% in the 3:1 treatment, but this was not significant in the silage treatment (P < 0.001). Number of displacements was low at one ewe per feeding place, but increased significantly when feeding space was reduced in the hay treatment (P < 0.01).In conclusion, the ewes competed more for access to feed in the hay than in the silage treatment, and increased competition with reduced feeding space was only found when the ewes were fed on hay. Similar results were found concerning feed intake. Thus, the effects of reduced feeding space are likely to depend on the type of roughage used. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V
机译:即使反刍动物随意采食粗饲料,减少饲喂位置的数量也可能对采食量和行为产生负面影响。该实验的目的是研究减少饲喂空间对两种粗饲料形式的随意竞争母羊竞争,活动预算和采食量的影响。进行了3 x 2阶乘实验,每个饲养地点的动物数量(1:1、2:1或3:1)和粗饲料的类型(草料青贮饲料或干草)为主要因素。总共48只Data品种的怀孕成年母羊被随机分为8组,每组6只动物。其中四组喂饲青贮饲料,其他四组喂干草。在每个实验阶段结束时将母羊进行视频记录24小时,并使用10分钟的瞬时扫描采样对每只母羊的进食,排队和休息等活动进行评分。在每小时的前10分钟内连续记录从进料口产生的位移。将青贮饲料的饲喂空间从1:1减少至1:3不会影响每日的青贮饲料摄入量,但是对于以干草喂养的母羊来说,每日摄入的青贮饲料显着增加减少了6.8%(P <0.05)。但是,花干草的时间明显比花青贮饲料的时间长(P <0.05)。不论粗饲料的种类如何,当减少饲喂空间时,进食时间显着减少(P <0.0001),而进食CV增加(P <0.05)。总体而言,用干草饲喂母羊比饲喂青贮饲料时竞争水平更高(排队:P <0.01:排量:P <0.01)。在干草处理中,排队花费的时间从1:1处理中的0.3%增加到3:1处理中的5.3%,但这在青贮饲料处理中并不明显(P <0.001)。每个饲喂位置一头母羊的位移数量很低,但在干草处理中饲喂空间减少时则显着增加(P <0.01)。总而言之,母羊在干草饲喂方面比青贮饲料竞争更多,只有在母羊饲喂干草的情况下才能发现竞争加剧,饲喂空间减少。关于采食量也发现了类似的结果。因此,减少饲喂空间的效果可能取决于所用粗饲料的类型。 (c)2010爱思唯尔有限公司



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