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Novel influenza A(H1N1) virus among gravid admissions.


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BACKGROUND: Pandemic novel influenza A(H1N1) is a substantial threat and cause of morbidity and mortality in the pregnant population. METHODS: We conducted an observational analysis of 18 gravid patients with H1N1 in 2 academic medical centers. Cases were identified based on direct antigen testing (DAT) of nasopharyngeal swabs followed by real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analysis (rRT-PCR) or viral culture. Patient demographics, symptoms, hospital course, laboratory and radiographic results, pregnancy outcome, and placental pathologic information were recorded. Results were then compared with published reports of the H1N1 outbreak and reports of flu pandemics of 1918 and 1957. RESULTS: Eighteen pregnant patients were admitted with H1N1 during the study period. All patients were treated with oseltamivir phosphate beginning on the day of admission. Mean (SD) age was 27 (6.6) years (age range, 18-40 years); median length of hospital stay was 4 days. Intensive care unit admission rate was 17% (n = 3). Demographically, 2 patients were health care workers (11%); 15 were black (83%); 2, Hispanic (11%); and 1, white (6%). None reported recent travel. Half of the patients presented with gastrointestinal or abdominal complaints; 13 patients met sepsis criteria (72%). The most common comorbidities were asthma, sickle cell disease, and diabetes. Fourteen patients tested positive for H1N1 on DAT (initial or repeated) (78%); in the other 4 cases, H1N1 was identified by viral culture or rRT-PCR (22%). Seven patients delivered during hospitalization (39%), 6 prematurely and 4 via emergency cesarean delivery. There were 2 fetal deaths (11%). No maternal mortality was recorded. CONCLUSIONS: Admitted pregnant patients with H1N1 are at risk for obstetrical complications including fetal distress, premature delivery, emergency cesarean delivery, and fetal death. A high number of patients presented with gastrointestinal and abdominal complaints. Early antiviral treatment may improve maternal outcomes.
机译:背景:流行小说甲型流感(H1N1)并导致的发病率和实质性威胁人口死亡率的怀孕。进行了观察分析18妊娠甲型H1N1流感患者2学术医疗中心。基于直接抗原的病例测试(DAT)鼻咽拭子紧随其后实时逆转录酶聚合酶链反应分析(rrt - pcr)或病毒文化。医院病人的人口统计,症状,实验室和影像学结果,怀孕结果,和胎盘病理信息都被记录下来。甲型H1N1流感疫情的报告和发表1918年和1957年的流感大流行的报道。结果:18岁怀孕的患者承认与H1N1在研究期间。用磷酸奥司他韦治疗开始吗在入学的那一天。(6.6)岁(范围、18-40年);住院时间是4天。病房住院率为17% (n = 3)。从人口统计学的角度看,2患者的卫生保健工人(11%);(11%);旅行。胃肠道或腹部投诉;患者符合败血症标准(72%)。常见的并发症有哮喘,镰状细胞疾病和糖尿病。DAT H1N1阳性(初始或重复)(78%);由病毒文化或是rrt - pcr(22%)。交付期间住院治疗(39%),6通过紧急剖腹产过早和4交付。孕产妇死亡率被记录。承认怀孕H1N1患者处于危险之中产科并发症包括胎儿痛苦,早产、紧急剖腹产交付和胎儿死亡。患者伴有肠胃腹部投诉。可能改善产妇的结果。



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