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Keeping up with Blood: introducing our CME program.


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In this issue of Blood, we are pleased. to introduce a new Continuing Medical Education (CME) feature, appearing monthly. For many years ASH has provided CME credits for the annual meeting and other educational meetings sponsored by the society. In surveying society members, more CME activities has been a frequent request. To this end, the Society and Blood explored offering CME credits for selected clinical studies published in the journal. Two approaches were considered. Blood could develop and support its own CME division, and although this option would have the advantage of complete independence, the administrative burden and expense was prohibitive, as all readers involved in CME administration and oversight at their institutions are well aware. Some medical journals that have chosen this option charge readers directly for CME credits, which we did not feel was in the spirit of a society-owned journal. The second option was to partner with an existing CME organization. These organizations have considerable expertise in the complex rules covering CME, and the experience needed to produce high-quality and useful educational materials. These 2 points seem straightforward but are actually extremely involved. The regulations governing physician CME vary by state and are rapidly becoming ever more stringent. Equally, as anyone who has written review questions can attest, developing clear questions that emphasize the major teaching points is not easy. It requires considerable experience and training to produce unambiguous questions and answers, and neither authors of clinical papers in Blood nor our editors are likely to be able to produce valid questions.
机译:在本期《血液》中,我们感到高兴。引入一项新的持续医学教育(CME)功能,该功能每月出现一次。多年来,ASH为该学会主办的年度会议和其他教育会议提供了CME学分。在对社会成员进行调查时,经常要求开展更多的CME活动。为此,学会和血液探索为在该杂志上发表的某些临床研究提供CME学分。考虑了两种方法。血液可以发展并支持其自己的CME部门,尽管这种选择将具有完全独立的优势,但行政负担和费用实在令人望而却步,因为参与CME管理和机构监督的所有读者都非常清楚。一些选择此选项的医学期刊直接向读者收取CME的学分,而我们不认为这是社会拥有的期刊的精神。第二种选择是与现有的芝商所组织合作。这些组织在涵盖CME的复杂规则方面拥有丰富的专业知识,并拥有制作高质量和有用的教育材料所需的经验。这两个观点看似简单,但实际上涉及非常多。管理医师CME的法规因州而异,并且变得越来越严格。同样,正如任何撰写复习题的人都可以证明的那样,开发强调主要教学要点的清晰问题并不容易。它需要大量的经验和培训才能产生明确的问题和答案,《 Blood》临床论文的作者或我们的编辑都不太可能提出有效的问题。



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