首页> 外文期刊>Applied Psychological Measurement >A Stochastic Method for Balancing Item Exposure Rates in Computerized Classification Tests

A Stochastic Method for Balancing Item Exposure Rates in Computerized Classification Tests


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Computerized classification tests (CCTs) classify examinees into categories such as pass/fail, masteronmaster, and so on. This article proposes the use of stochastic methods from sequential analysis to address item overexposure, a practical concern in operational CCTs. Item over-exposure is traditionally dealt with in CCTs by the Sympson-Hetter (SH) method, but this method is unable to restrict the exposure of the most informative items to the desired level. The authors' new method of stochastic item exposure balance (SIEB) works in conjunction with the SH method and is shown to greatly reduce the number of overexposed items in a pool and improve overall exposure balance while maintaining classification accuracy comparable with using the SH method alone. The method is demonstrated using a simulation study.
机译:计算机分类测试(CCT)将应试者分为合格/不合格,主要/非主要等类别。本文提出了从顺序分析中使用随机方法来解决项目过度暴露的问题,这是操作性CCT中的实际问题。传统上,CCT中通过Sympson-Hetter(SH)方法处理项目的过度暴露,但是这种方法无法将信息量最大的项目的暴露程度限制在所需水平。作者的新的随机项目暴露平衡方法(SIEB)与SH方法结合使用,结果表明,与单独使用SH方法相比,该方法可以大大减少池中过度暴露的项目数量,并改善总体暴露平衡,同时保持分类准确性。 。通过仿真研究证明了该方法。



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