首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Research >Damaging effect of dietary inulin on intestinal enterocytes in Arcticcharr (Salvelinus alpinus L.)

Damaging effect of dietary inulin on intestinal enterocytes in Arcticcharr (Salvelinus alpinus L.)


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The term dietary fibre refers to a wide range of carbohydrates that resist degradation by human alimentary tract enzymes (Roberfroid 1993). However, some fibres are fermented by intestinal microbiota, primarily those colonizing the large intestine, to various products that are utilized by the host. Inulin, a #beta#(->1-fructan fibre) is found in several natural foodstuffs (Roberfroid 1993; Van Loo, Coussement, Delenheer, Hoebregs & Smiths 1995). For reasons yet unknown, it is utilized almost exclusively by colonic bifidobacteria and bacteriodes which tend to increase numerically in the faeces of individuals fed this fibre (Gibson 1998; Roberfroid, van Loo & Gibson 1998). Selection of bifidobacteria has also been implicated in human health improvement by having a prebiotic potential (Gibson 1998). Further, it has been shown that dietary fibre increases the apparent absorption of calcium (Coudray, Bellanger, Castiglia Delavaud, Vermorel & Rayssignuier 1997). The prebiotic potential of inulin and other dietary fibres may also have interesting applications in fish aquaculture. Some information is available about fermentation of inulin by fish microbiota (camobacteria) (Ringo, Bendiksen, Gausen, Sundstjord & Olsen 1998; Ringo & Olsen 1999). It is also known that inulin alters the adherent microbiota of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus L.) (E. Ringo, R. Myklebust, T.M. Mayhew & R.E. Olsen, unpublished data). The bacterial population density of fish gastrointestinal tract is 10~6-10~8 aerobic heterotrophic bacteria and approximately 10~5 anaerobic bacteria g~(-1) (for review see Ringo, Strom & Tabachek 1995). This is much lower than the density reported for endothermic animals (Finegold, Sutter & Mathisen 1983). As part of a series of studies into the effect of dietary fibres on the salmonid Arctic chart, we also obtained samples for analysis of intestinal ultrastructure. The present results are preliminary reports of these findings.
机译:膳食纤维一词是指抵抗人类消化道酶降解的多种碳水化合物(Roberfroid 1993)。但是,一些纤维会被肠道菌群发酵,主要是那些定植在大肠中的细菌,会发酵成宿主所利用的各种产品。在几种天然食品中发现了菊粉,一种#beta#(-> 1-果聚糖纤维)(Roberfroid 1993; Van Loo,Coussement,Delenheer,Hoebregs&Smiths 1995)。出于未知的原因,它几乎只被结肠双歧杆菌和细菌使用,它们在喂食这种纤维的人的粪便中呈数字增加(Gibson 1998; Roberfroid,van Loo&Gibson 1998)。由于具有益生元的潜力,双歧杆菌的选择也与改善人类健康有关(Gibson 1998)。此外,已经显示出膳食纤维增加了钙的表观吸收(Coudray,Bellanger,Castiglia Delavaud,Vermorel&Rayssignuier 1997)。菊粉和其他膳食纤维的益生元潜力也可能在鱼类水产养殖中具有有趣的应用。一些有关鱼微生物群(成细菌)对菊粉发酵的信息(Ringo,Bendiksen,Gausen,Sundstjord&Olsen 1998; Ringo&Olsen 1999)。还已知菊粉改变了北极红点鲑(Salvelinus alpinus L.)的附着菌群(E. Ringo,R.Myklebust,T.M. Mayhew&R.E. Olsen,未公开数据)。鱼胃肠道的细菌种群密度为10〜6-10〜8个好氧异养细菌和大约10〜5个厌氧细菌g〜(-1)(综述参见Ringo,Strom&Tabachek 1995)。这远低于报道的吸热动物的密度(Finegold,Sutter&Mathisen 1983)。作为膳食纤维对鲑鱼北极图影响的一系列研究的一部分,我们还获得了用于分析肠道超微结构的样品。本结果是这些发现的初步报告。



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