首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Research >Detection of off-flavour in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque) fillets by trained dogs.

Detection of off-flavour in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque) fillets by trained dogs.

机译:由训练有素的狗检测channel鱼(Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque)鱼片中的异味。

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Four mixed-breed adult dogs (2 males and 2 females), which had been trained to detect geosmin (GSM) and 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) in purified water and pond water, were used to detect these off-flavour compounds in fillets of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) obtained from commercial ponds in west-central Mississippi, USA, in 2002. The dogs were led past the boxes containing fillet samples with or without the off-flavour compounds, and correct responses were tabulated. The test began with fillet samples having the highest MIB and GSM levels until the lowest levels. The GSM and MIB levels in the fillets were considered typical for catfish obtained from west Mississippi commercial catfish ponds. The mean combined correct response rate for all dogs and all samples was 81%. The percentage of correct responses did not appear to decrease with decreasing levels of GSM or MIB. GSM and MIB were detected with equal accuracy regardless of which compound or level of the compound was present. The exception was when one on-flavour nontarget sample was placed with 4 different on-flavour nontarget samples. In this case, most dogs had difficulty in detecting the "different" sample. However, even for this sample, the total correct response was significantly greater than would be expected because of chance alone. In a sample in which both the target (off-flavour) and nontarget (on-flavour) fillets came from ponds which were determined to be on-flavour by SPME-GC-MS, all dogs were able to identify the single different sample with a mean accuracy of 53%. It is suggested that this approach would enable the catfish fillet producers to be aware of the development of off-flavour problems earlier, and take management actions to reduce and eliminate the accumulation of off-flavour compounds in the farm-raised catfish..
机译:训练有素的四只成年混合犬(2只雄性和2只雌性)用于检测纯净水和池塘水中的土臭味素(GSM)和2-甲基异冰片醇(MIB),用于检测这些鱼片中的异味化合物。于2002年从美国密西西比州中西部的商业池塘中获得的鱼(Ictalurus punctatus)。这些狗被带过装有圆角样品的盒子,里面装有或不带有异味化合物,并将正确的反应制成表格。该测试从具有最高MIB和GSM水平直到最低水平的圆角样品开始。圆角中的GSM和MIB水平被认为是从西密西西比商业cat鱼池塘获得的cat鱼的典型水平。所有犬只和所有样本的平均正确综合正确率为81%。正确响应的百分比似乎并未随着GSM或MIB水平的降低而降低。不论存在哪种化合物或化合物的水平,均以相同的精度检测GSM和MIB。例外情况是,将一个调味非目标样品与4种不同调味非目标样品放置在一起。在这种情况下,大多数狗很难检测到“不同”的样本。但是,即使对于该样本,仅由于偶然性,总的正确响应也将大大超过预期。在目标(异味)鱼片和非目标(异味)鱼片均来自通过SPME-GC-MS确定为有味道的池塘的样本中,所有狗都能够通过平均准确度为53%。建议这种方法将使the鱼鱼片生产者更早意识到异味问题的发展,并采取管理措施以减少和消除养殖farm鱼中异味化合物的积累。



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