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Early ontogeny of the spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen)

机译:斑点狼鱼(Anarhichas minor Olafsen)的早期个体发育

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This study illustrates the embryo development of the spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen), an interesting candidate for cold-water aquaculture. The egg morphology (semitransparent, yellow-white with numerous oil droplets in the yolk), size (5.4-6.5 mm) and long embryogenesis (c. 800-1000 ddegrees, depending on temperature) of A. minor are very similar to Anarhichas lupus. Cleavage is slow, and the first cell divisions take place at 12 h at 8 T. After 12 days the 2-mm embryo with the first somites is laid down and the blastopore starts closing. The fat globules in the yolk fuse into one after 22 days, and after 30 days eye pigmentation is noticeable. After 44 days, eye pigmentation is strong, the digestive tract folded and a green gall bladder can be noted in the now 11-mm-long embryo. One week later the blood is brightly red, the intestine is pigmented and the lower jaw is well developed. Premature hatching may occur from this stage. After 58 days vascularization of the yolk is complete, capillaries are noted in the fin fold, the first ray rudiments are established in the tail and pectoral fins, and the four gill arches are covered by the operculum. The preanal finfold is reduced after 72 days, stomach and gill filaments are formed, and six pigmented rows are noted on the 17-mm-long embryo body After 86 days all fin rays are seen and the digestive tract is intensely pigmented and folded. Hatching (normal) starts after 110 days and may last for 2-3 weeks. Late embryos and early larvae of A. minor have more distinct bands of pigment along the body compared with the closely related A. lupus. An increase in both length and weight of the embryos in individual batches occurs during the hatching period.
机译:这项研究说明了斑点狼鱼(Anarhichas minor Olafsen)的胚胎发育,这是冷水水产养殖的一个有趣的候选对象。 A. minor的卵的形态(半透明,黄白色,在蛋黄中有许多油滴),大小(5.4-6.5 mm)和长胚发生(约800-1000 d度,取决于温度)与Anarhichas lupus非常相似。 。分裂很慢,并且第一个细胞分裂发生在8 T的12小时。12天后,放下带有第一个节的2毫米胚胎,胚孔开始关闭。蛋黄中的脂肪小球在22天后融合为一个,在30天后眼色素沉着明显。 44天后,眼色素沉着很强,消化道折叠,现在11毫米长的胚胎中可见绿色胆囊。一周后,血液鲜红色,肠内色素沉着,下颌发达。此阶段可能会过早孵化。卵黄的血管化完成58天后,在鳍折叠处发现毛细血管,在尾鳍和胸鳍中建立了第一个射线网点,骨覆盖了四个g弓。 72天后,肛门前折痕减少,形成了胃和腮丝,在17毫米长的胚胎体上发现了六行有色色素。86天后,所有鳍片都可见,消化道色素沉着并折叠。孵化(正常)在110天后开始,可能持续2-3周。与亲缘关系密切的A. lupus相比,A。minor的晚胚和早期幼虫在体内具有更明显的色素带。在孵化期间,单个批次的胚胎的长度和重量都会增加。



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