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Induction of out-of-season spawning of pikeperch, Sander lucioperca (L.)

机译:诱导鲈的反季节产卵,Sander lucioperca(L.)

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Pikeperch were induced to spawn 3 months prior to the natural spawning period through photothermal and hormonal stimulation. Females (five specimens in each group) were stimulated with injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) once (200 IU kg(-1)), twice (200 IU kg(-1), second dose after 48 h-400 IU kg(-1)) or three times (200 IU kg(-1), after 24 h 200 IU kg(-1) and after another 24 h-200 IU kg(-1)). The control group was injected once with 0.9% NaCl. The males were stimulated with a single hormone dose of 200 IU kg(-1). Eggs were obtained from all the hormonally treated fish. None of the control group females, which were only stimulated photothermally, ovulated any eggs. The time of ovulation was 66-71 h following the first injection, and the eggs viability until the eyed stage (from 71.5 to 77.5%) did not depend on the number of hormone doses (P>0.05). The out-of-season spawning method described in this paper could be used to provide pikeperch larvae for intensive culture systems (recirculating water systems) before natural spawning season and to produce larger-sized pikeperch fingerlings for stocking.
机译:在自然产卵期之前的3个月,通过光热和激素刺激使鲈鱼产卵。注射人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)刺激女性(每组五份),一次(200 IU kg(-1)),两次(200 IU kg(-1),48 h-400 IU kg( -1))或三倍(200 IU kg(-1),24小时后200 IU kg(-1),再过24 h-200 IU kg(-1))。对照组注射0.9%NaCl。用200 IU kg(-1)的单一激素剂量刺激雄性。从所有经荷尔蒙处理的鱼中获得卵。仅用光热刺激的对照组雌性均未排卵。第一次注射后排卵时间为66-71小时,直到成眼阶段(从71.5%到77.5%)的卵子存活率与激素剂量无关(P> 0.05)。本文所述的反季节产卵方法可用于在自然产卵季节之前为集约化养殖系统(循环水系统)提供鲈鱼幼体,并生产较大规格的鲈鱼鱼种进行放养。



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