首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Nutrition >Effect of dietary zinc level on growth, enzyme activity and body trace elements of hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus x O.aureus, fed soya bean meal-based diets

Effect of dietary zinc level on growth, enzyme activity and body trace elements of hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus x O.aureus, fed soya bean meal-based diets


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A feeding experiment was conducted to determine the dietary zinc (Zn) requirement of hybrid tilapia fed on a diet with soya bean meal as the sole protein source. The quantity of phytic acid in the experimental diet was 15.5gkg(-1). Juvenile hybrid tilapia were fed on diets containing 31-227mg Zn kg(-1) in triplicates for 6weeks. Haematology of the fish was not affected by various dietary Zn levels. Fish fed on a diet containing 31mgkg(-1) endogenous Zn showed the lowest growth rates, feed utilization, and body and plasma Zn levels. Weight gain (WG), plasma Zn level and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity increased when a higher quantity of dietary Zn of 127mgkg(-1) was administered to the experimental fish. Beyond this level, the values of these parameters were relatively stable. On the other hand, within the dietary Zn range tested, whole-body Zn and ash increased with higher dietary Zn levels. Analysis using a broken-line model showed that the dietary Zn requirements of hybrid tilapia fed on soya bean meal-based diets containing 15.5gkg(-1) endogenous phytic acid were 115, 115 and 105mgkg(-1) based on WG, whole-body Zn retention and plasma Zn level, respectively.



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