首页> 外文期刊>Applied Vegetation Science >Responses of native and invasive plant species to selective logging in an Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha forest in Hawai'i

Responses of native and invasive plant species to selective logging in an Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha forest in Hawai'i


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Questions: Is the introduced timber species Fraximus uhdei invasive in Hawai'i? Has logging disturbance facilitated the spread of Fraxinus and other alien species?Location: Windward Mauna Kea, island of Hawai'i.Methods: We surveyed 29 plots which were established before selective logging of the native tree Acacia koa in 1971 to determine if Fraxinus spread beyond the borders of an existing plantation and if other alien species increased. We created gaps in the canopy of the Fraxinus plantation and measured seed rain and regeneration, and we sampled foliar and soil nutrients inside and around the plantation.Results: Basal area of Fraxinus increased front 0.7 m(2).ha(-1) in 1971 to 10.8 m(2).ha (1) in 2000. Fraxinus was not found in plots that were located more than 500 m from those where it occurred in 1971 except along a road, Basal area of Acacia koa decreased after logging but subsequently recovered. Occurrence of the alien vine Passiflora tarminiana and alien grass Ehrharta stipoides decreased. Seedling regeneration of Fraxinus was prolific in gaps but did not occur under the canopy. Basal area of Fraxinus did not correlate with soil nutrient concentrations.Conclusions: Fraxinus was able to regenerate following logging more rapidly than native tree species. Basal area growth of Fraxinus was great enough to offset a decline in native trees and cause an increase in forest productivity. If the Fraxinus plantation is harvested. managers should plan ways of favoring regeneration of the native Acacia which is more valuable both for timber and for conservation.
机译:问题:引入的木材物种Uradei Fraximus uhdei是否在夏威夷入侵?伐木扰动是否促进了水曲柳和其他外来物种的传播?地点:夏威夷岛上风向阳茂纳基亚方法:我们调查了1971年有选择地采伐本地树种相思树之前建立的29个样地,以确定水曲柳是否扩散超越现有人工林的边界,以及其他外来物种是否增加。我们在水曲柳人工林的冠层中创建了间隙,并测量了种子的降雨和再生,并在人工林内和周围取样了叶面和土壤养分。结果:水曲柳的基础面积增加了0.7 m(2).ha(-1) 1971年增至2000年的10.8 m(2).ha(1)。在距1971年发生地的位置超过500 m的地块中未发现水曲柳,除了沿道路,相思树的基础面积在伐木后减少,但随后恢复了。外来葡萄西番莲Passiflora tarminiana和外来草Ehrharta stipoides的发生减少。水曲柳的幼苗再生在缝隙中多产,但在树冠下并未发生。结论:与采伐后相比,伐木属的再生能力比本地树种更快。 Fraxinus的基础面积增长足以抵消原生树木的下降并导致森林生产力的提高。如果收获了白蜡树人工林。管理者应该计划有利于原生相思树再生的方法,这对于木材和保护而言都更有价值。



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