首页> 外文期刊>Applied neuropsychology. Adult >Finger tapping: Why can't we alternate hands?

Finger tapping: Why can't we alternate hands?


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The purpose of this research was to determine if there is any need, as per the Halstead- Reitan instructions, to test each hand uninterruptedly on the Finger Oscillation Test (FoT). To the authors' knowledge, there is no widely available research addressing this issue. Enabling administration of the FoT using alternate hands would theoretically make the administration of the assessment more efficient. In this study, participants consisted of 49 graduate students. All were administered the FoT with standard instructions and using an alternating-hands method. The order of administration was counterbalanced to avoid practice effects, and subjects completed distractor tasks between administrations. Results indicated there was a difference between the two administration methods for both dominant, t(47)=-4.09, p<.001, and nondominant, t(48)=-4.17, p<.001, hands. Surprisingly, mean T-scores were significantly higher for both the dominant and nondominant hands in the alternative administration group when compared with the standard method score (50 vs. 44 and 51 vs. 44, respectively). The standard deviations for both hands were also lower using the alternative method. This study highlights the need for neuropsychologists to be aware of the established administration protocols for tests and to carefully consider how deviations from these methods could affect test scores.
机译:这项研究的目的是根据Halstead-Reitan的说明确定是否需要在手指振动测试(FoT)上不间断地测试每只手。据作者所知,没有广泛的研究可以解决这个问题。从理论上讲,使用备用手来启用FoT将会使评估的管理更加有效。在这项研究中,参与者包括49名研究生。按照标准说明并使用交替手法对所有受试者进行FoT。为了避免实践的影响,管理的顺序被抵消了,受试者完成了两次管理之间的干扰任务。结果表明,两种给药方式在显性手(t(47)=-4.09,p <.001)和非显性手(t(48)=-4.17,p <.001)上都存在差异。出人意料的是,与标准方法得分相比,替代给药组中优势手和非优势手的平均T分数均显着更高(分别为50 vs. 44和51 vs. 44)。使用替代方法时,双手的标准偏差也较低。这项研究强调了神经心理学家需要了解已建立的测试管理方案,并仔细考虑与这些方法的偏离如何影响测试分数。



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