首页> 外文期刊>Blood: The Journal of the American Society of Hematology >Delivery of progenitors to the thymus limits T-lineage reconstitution after bone marrow transplantation.

Delivery of progenitors to the thymus limits T-lineage reconstitution after bone marrow transplantation.


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T-cell production depends on the recruitment of hematopoietic progenitors into the thymus. T cells are among the last of the hematopoietic lineages to recover after bone marrow transplantation (BMT), but the reasons for this delay are not well understood. Under normal physiologic conditions, thymic settling is selective and either CCR7 or CCR9 is required for progenitor access into the thymus. The mechanisms of early thymic reconstitution after BMT, however, are unknown. Here we report that thymic settling is briefly CCR7/CCR9-independent after BMT but continues to rely on the selectin ligand PSGL-1. The CCR7/CCR9 independence is transient, and by 3 weeks after BMT these receptors are again strictly required. Despite the normalization of thymic settling signals, the rare bone marrow progenitors that can efficiently repopulate the thymus are poorly reconstituted for at least 4 weeks after BMT. Consistent with reduced progenitor input to the thymus, intrathymic progenitor niches remain unsaturated for at least 10 weeks after BMT. Finally, we show that thymic recovery is limited by the number of progenitors entering the thymus after BMT. Hence, T-lineage reconstitution after BMT is limited by progenitor supply to the thymus.
机译:T细胞的产生取决于将造血祖细胞募集入胸腺。 T细胞是骨髓移植(BMT)后恢复的最后造血细胞系之一,但这种延迟的原因尚不清楚。在正常的生理条件下,胸腺沉降是选择性的,祖细胞进入胸腺需要CCR7或CCR9。然而,BMT后早期胸腺重构的机制尚不清楚。在这里我们报告胸腺沉降是短暂BCC后CCR7 / CCR9独立,但继续依赖于选择素配体PSGL-1。 CCR7 / CCR9独立性是短暂的,在BMT后3周再次再次严格要求使用这些受体。尽管胸腺沉降信号已正常化,但BMT后至少4周,可有效重聚胸腺的稀有骨髓祖细胞重构不良。与减少向胸腺的祖细胞输入一致,胸腺内祖细胞壁在BMT后至少10周仍保持不饱和状态。最后,我们显示胸腺的恢复受到BMT后进入胸腺的祖细胞数量的限制。因此,BMT后的T系重构受祖细胞供应到胸腺的限制。



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