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There is no good flock without a good shepherd... and no good shepherd without a good sheepdog


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It was when I attended the Midlands sheepdog trials held on the airfield at Willowmore on 28 May this year, that this puzzle began really intriguing me. Why does every Angora goat farmer not own at least four trained sheepdogs? The answer, it would seem, lies with the owners and not the dogs. "Dog training is an art that requires much patience and a great interest in dogs. In nature, dogs respond to a pack leader, and the trainer needs to be able to impart the same instinctive authority when giving an instruction. The dog and the handler need to understand each other very clearly, otherwise frustration leads to poor management and control, with the resultant loss of interest from both parties", says Faansie Basson from Swellendam, who is rated one of South Africa's top sheepdog handlers.
机译:当我参加今年5月28日在Willowmore机场举行的Midlands牧羊犬试验时,这个难题开始使我真正着迷。为什么每个安哥拉山羊农民都不拥有至少四个训练有素的牧羊犬?答案似乎是主人,而不是狗。 “狗训练是一门需要耐心和对狗有极大兴趣的艺术。从本质上讲,狗对背包的领导者有反应,训练者在发出指令时需要能够赋予本能。需要彼此非常清楚地了解彼此,否则挫败感会导致差强人意的管理和控制,从而导致双方失去利益”,来自南非威尔士最大的牧羊犬处理商之一的Swellendam的Faansie Basson说。



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