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Demonstrating the operational feasibility of new technologies: the ARPI IFDs

机译:演示操作的可行性技术:ARPI IFDs

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In the ARPA-Rome planning initiative, technology moves from researchers to users, and feedback is given by users to researchers. Integrated Feasibility Demonstrations are a vital part of this user-centered approach to software engineering: they demonstrate to members of the operational community how maturing technologies can work together to address real problems. ARPI has developed three Integrated Feasibility Demonstrations (IFDs) and a precursor to the fourth. These systems have showcased realistic prototypes that could be integrated into a military command and control infrastructure, and have taught valuable lessons on ensuring success in technology insertion. (The IFDs were developed for and tested by various joint commands of the US Armed Forces. A joint command is responsible for a specific geographical region- called a theatre of operations during an operation-and has elements from each of the military services.) IFD-1, the Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool (DART), was developed just before and during Operation Desert Shield, thereby predating the start of the initiative and setting the baseline for the subsequent program. DART successfully supported transportation planning and analysis for the deployment portion of military planning.



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