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Index of drought resistance in relation to water retention parameters in bread wheat.


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Out of three sets of experiments with 30 wheat genotypes, one set was evaluated under well irrigated while two sets were evaluated under drought stress conditions by developing drought stress at anthesis stage in one set and at maturity stage in other set for two years. Genotypes differed in their responses at both stages of plant growth for all characters. Significant genotype x year interaction indicated differential responses of genotypes over the years. Continued water deficit resulted in reduced mean values and variability for all the characters. Varieties WH 147, WH 147 (U) showed a combination of traits such as drought resistance, water retention and grain yield, while C 306, Kharchia 65 and Hindi 62 showed the least percentage of injury in plasma membranes and better water retention in the leaves. Relative water content and excised-leaf water loss appeared to be the important characters as the varieties having better resistance also had better performance in these characters.
机译:在三组具有30种小麦基因型的实验中,一组在充分灌溉下进行评估,而两组在干旱胁迫条件下进行评估,其中一组在花期阶段发展干旱胁迫,而另一组在成熟阶段则持续两年。对于所有性状,基因型在植物生长的两个阶段的反应都不同。显着的基因型x年交互作用表明多年来基因型的差异反应。持续的水分亏缺导致所有字符的均值和变异性降低。品种WH 147,WH 147(U)表现出抗旱,保水性和谷物产量等特性的组合,而C 306,Kharchia 65和Hindi 62表现出的质膜伤害百分比最小,叶片中的保水性更高。相对含水量和切叶失水似乎是重要的特征,因为具有较好抗性的品种在这些特征中也具有较好的表现。



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