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Key players in major and bipolar depression-A retrospective analysis of in vivo imaging studies


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In the present study, we evaluated the contribution of the individual synaptic constituents of all assessed neurotransmitter systems by subjecting all available in vivo imaging studies on patients with unipolar major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar depression (BD) to a retrospective analysis. In acute MDD, findings revealed significant increases of prefrontal and frontal DA synthesis, decreases of thalamic and midbrain SERT, increases of insular SERT, decreases of midbrain 5-HT 1A receptors and decreases of prefrontal, frontal, occipital and cingulate 5-HT 2A receptors, whereas, in remission, decreases of striatal D 2 receptors, midbrain SERT, frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital and cingulate 5-HT 1A receptors and parietal 5-HT 2A receptors were observed. In BD, findings indicated a trend towards increased striatal D 2 receptors in depression and mania, decreased striatal DA synthesis in remission and decreased frontal D 1 receptors in all three conditions. Additionally, there is some evidence that ventrostriatal and hippocampal SERT may be decreased in depression, whereas in remission and mania elevations of thalamic and midbrain SERT, respectively, were observed. Moreover, in depression, limbic 5-HT 1A receptors were elevated, whereas in mania a decrease of both cortical and limbic 5-HT 2A receptor binding was observed. Furthermore, in depression, prefrontal, frontal, occipital and cingulate M2 receptor binding was found to be reduced. From this, a complex pattern of dysregulations within and between neurotransmitter systems may be derived, which is likely to be causally linked not only with the subtype and duration of disease but also with the predominance of individual symptoms and with the kind and duration of pharmacological treatment(s).
机译:在本研究中,我们通过对单相重度抑郁症(MDD)和双相抑郁症(BD)患者进行的所有可用的体内成像研究进行回顾性分析,从而评估了所有评估的神经递质系统中各个突触成分的贡献。在急性MDD中,研究结果显示额叶和额叶DA合成显着增加,丘脑和中脑SERT降低,岛状SERT升高,中脑5-HT 1A受体降低,额叶,额叶,枕叶和扣带式5-HT 2A受体降低然而,在缓解期,观察到纹状体D 2受体,中脑SERT,额叶,顶叶,颞叶,枕叶和扣带回5-HT 1A受体和顶叶5-HT 2A受体减少。在BD中,研究结果表明在所有三种情况下,抑郁症和躁狂症中的纹状体D 2受体都有增加的趋势,缓解期纹状体DA合成的减少和额叶D 1受体的减少有趋势。另外,有证据表明,抑郁症患者的脑室和海马SERT可能降低,而缓解期和躁狂症的丘脑和中脑SERT分别升高。此外,在抑郁症中,边缘的5-HT 1A受体升高,而在躁狂症中,皮质和边缘的5-HT 2A受体结合均降低。此外,发现在抑郁症中,额前,额叶,枕叶和扣带状M2受体的结合减少。由此,可以得出神经递质系统内部和之间复杂的失调模式,这可能不仅与疾病的亚型和持续时间成因,而且与个体症状的优势以及药物治疗的类型和持续时间有因果关系(s)。



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