首页> 外文期刊>Annals of epidemiology >Letter to the Editor: Regarding 'Individual and Neighborhood Correlates of Membership in Drug-Using Networks With a Higher Prevalence of HIV in New York City (2006-2009)'

Letter to the Editor: Regarding 'Individual and Neighborhood Correlates of Membership in Drug-Using Networks With a Higher Prevalence of HIV in New York City (2006-2009)'


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Rudolph et al. [1] present data on the distribution of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in a respondent-driven sampling (RDS) recruitment network of drug users in New York City. Their article highlights the importance of integrating network and spatial perspectives into the study of HIV in marginalized populations. The effort is commendable as one of the first articles to explore network effects beyond the level of dyadic or ego-centric analysis using only standard RDS recruitment data. There are, however, several issues worth considering that challenge the authors' conclusions. We discuss analytical limitations and highlight key challenges that should be addressed when using RDS data. Resolving these issues will ultimately advance our understanding of the role of networks in HIV transmission.
机译:鲁道夫等。 [1]在纽约市吸毒者的响应者驱动抽样(RDS)招聘网络中,提供有关人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染分布的数据。他们的文章强调了将网络和空间观点纳入边缘人群艾滋病毒研究的重要性。作为仅使用标准RDS招聘数据探索网络影响超出二进或以自我为中心的分析水平的第一篇文章之一,这项工作值得称赞。但是,有几个问题值得考虑,这对作者的结论提出了挑战。我们讨论了分析方面的局限性,并强调了使用RDS数据时应解决的关键挑战。解决这些问题最终将增进我们对网络在艾滋病毒传播中的作用的理解。



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