首页> 外文期刊>Behavioural Brain Research: An International Journal >Prenatal ethanol exposure alters met-enkephalin expression in brain regions related with reinforcement: Possible mechanism for ethanol consumption in offspring

Prenatal ethanol exposure alters met-enkephalin expression in brain regions related with reinforcement: Possible mechanism for ethanol consumption in offspring


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The endogenous opioid system is involved in ethanol reinforcement. Ethanol-induced changes in opioi-dergic transmission have been extensively studied in adult organisms. However, the impact of ethanol exposure at low or moderate doses during early ontogeny has been barely explored. We investigated the effect of prenatal ethanol exposure on alcohol intake and Methionine-enkephalin (Met-enk) content in rat offspring. Met-enk content was assessed in the ventral tegmental area [VTA], nucleus accumbens [NAcc], prefrontal cortex [PFC], substantia nigra [SN], caudate-putamen [CP], amygdala, hypothalamus and hippocampus. Pregnant rats were treated with ethanol (2g/kg) or water during GDs 17-20. At PDs 14 and 15, preweanlings were evaluated in an intake test (5% and 10% ethanol, or water). Met-enk content in brain regions of infants prenatally exposed to ethanol was quantitated by radioimmunoassay. Ethanol consumption was facilitated by prenatal experience with the drug, particularly in females. Met-enk content in mesocorticolimbic regions - PFC and NAcc - was increased as a consequence of prenatal exposure to ethanol. Conversely, Met-enk levels in the VTA were reduced by prenatal ethanol manipulation. Prenatal ethanol also increased peptide levels in the medial-posterior zone of the CP, and strongly augmented Met-enk content in the hippocampus and hypothalamus. These findings show that prenatal ethanol exposure stimulates consumption of the drug in infant rats, and induces selective changes in Met-enk levels in regions of the mesocorticolimbic and nigrostriatal systems, the hypothalamus and hippocampus. Our results support the role of mesocorticolimbic enkephalins in ethanol reinforcement in offspring, as has been reported in adults.
机译:内源性阿片样物质系统参与乙醇增强。在成年生物中已经广泛研究了乙醇诱导的视皮-胶质传递的变化。但是,几乎没有研究过在早期个体发育期间低剂量或中等剂量乙醇暴露的影响。我们调查了产前乙醇暴露对大鼠后代酒精摄入和蛋氨酸-脑啡肽(Met-enk)含量的影响。在腹侧被盖区[VTA],伏隔核[NAcc],前额叶皮层[PFC],黑质[SN],尾状豆蔻[CP],杏仁核,下丘脑和海马区评估Met-enk含量。在GDs 17-20期间,用乙醇(2g / kg)或水治疗妊娠大鼠。在PD 14和PD 15,在摄入试验(5%和10%的乙醇或水)中评估断奶前的情况。通过放射免疫分析法对产前暴露于乙醇的婴儿的大脑区域中的蛋氨酸含量进行了定量。药物的产前经验促进了乙醇的消耗,特别是在女性中。由于产前暴露于乙醇,中皮层边缘区域(PFC和NAcc)的蛋氨酸含量增加。相反,通过产前乙醇操作降低了VTA中的Met-enk水平。产前乙醇还增加了CP的后内侧区域的肽水平,并大大增加了海马和下丘脑的Met-enk含量。这些发现表明,产前乙醇暴露刺激了幼鼠的药物消耗,并引起了中皮层皮质和黑纹状体系统,下丘脑和海马区Met-enk水平的选择性变化。我们的研究结果支持了中皮层皮质脑啡肽在后代乙醇强化中的作用,如成人中已有报道。



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