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The formation and dynamics of super-earth planets


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Super-Earths, objects slightly larger than Earth and slightly smaller than Uranus, have found a special place in exoplanetary science. As a new class of planetary bodies, these objects have challenged models of planet formation at both ends of the spectrum and have triggered a great deal of research on the composition and interior dynamics of rocky planets in connection to their masses and radii. Being relatively easier to detect than an Earth-sized planet at 1 AU around a G star, super-Earths have become the focus of worldwide observational campaigns to search for habitable planets. With a range of masses that allows these objects to retain moderate atmospheres and perhaps even plate tectonics, super-Earths may be habitable if they maintain long-Term orbits in the habitable zones of their host stars. Given that in the past two years a few such potentially habitable super-Earths have in fact been discovered, it is necessary to develop a deep understanding of the formation and dynamical evolution of these objects. This article reviews the current state of research on the formation of super-Earths and discusses different models of their formation and dynamical evolution.
机译:超地球是比地球稍大但比天王星略小的天体,在系外行星科学中占有特殊的地位。作为一种新型的行星体,这些物体对光谱两端的行星形成模型提出了挑战,并引发了对岩石行星的质量和半径相关的组成和内部动力学的大量研究。与1 G围绕一颗G恒星的地球大小的行星相比,超地球更容易被发现,因此超地球已经成为全球范围内寻找可居住行星的观测活动的重点。由于质量范围允许这些天体保持适度的大气层甚至板块构造,如果超地球在其恒星的可居住区域内保持长期轨道,则可能是可居住的。鉴于在过去的两年中实际上已经发现了一些这样的潜在可居住的超地球,因此有必要对这些物体的形成和动力学演化有深入的了解。本文回顾了超地球形成的研究现状,并讨论了超地球形成和动力学演化的不同模型。



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