首页> 外文期刊>Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology >The great escape: Phloem transport and unloading of macromolecules [Review]

The great escape: Phloem transport and unloading of macromolecules [Review]


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The phloem of higher plants translocates a diverse range of macromolecules including proteins, RNAs, and pathogens. This review considers the origin and destination of such macromolecules. A survey of the literature reveals that the majority of phloem-mobile macromolecules are synthesized within companion cells and enter the sieve elements through the branched plasmodesmata that connect these cells. Examples of systemic macromolecules that originate outside the companion cell. are rare and are restricted to viral and subviral pathogens and putative RNA gene-silencing signals, all of which involve a relay system in which the macromolecule is amplified in each successive cell along the pathway to companion cells. Evidence is presented that xenobiotic macromolecules may enter the sieve element by a default pathway as they do not possess the necessary signals for retention in the sieve element-companion cell complex. Several sink tissues possess plasmodesmata with a high-molecular-size exclusion limit, potentially allowing the nonspecific escape of a wide range of small (<50-kDa) macromolecules from the phloem. Larger macromolecules and systemic mRNAs appear to require facilitated transport through sink plasmodesmata. The fate of phloem-mobile macromolecules is considered in relation to current models of long-distance signaling in plants. [References: 103]
机译:高等植物的韧皮部易位各种大分子,包括蛋白质,RNA和病原体。这篇评论考虑了这种大分子的起源和目的地。文献调查表明,大多数韧皮部流动大分子是在陪伴细胞内合成的,并通过连接这些细胞的分支胞浆进入筛子中。起源于陪伴细胞外的全身大分子的例子。罕见,并且仅限于病毒和亚病毒病原体以及推定的RNA基因沉默信号,所有这些信号都涉及一个中继系统,在该系统中,大分子在每个相继细胞中沿着与伴侣细胞的通路被扩增。证据表明,异种生物大分子可能通过默认途径进入筛分元件,因为它们不具有保留在筛分元件-伴侣细胞复合物中的必要信号。几个沉陷组织具有等高分子量的胞浆线虫,可能允许大量的小分子(<50-kDa)从韧皮部中非特异性逃逸。较大的大分子和全身性mRNA似乎需要通过水槽胞浆的便利运输。韧皮部移动大分子的命运与植物中长途信号传导的当前模型有关。 [参考:103]



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