首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the Entomological Society of America >Relationships Among Species of Scirtothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae, Thripinae) Using Molecular and Morphological Data

Relationships Among Species of Scirtothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae, Thripinae) Using Molecular and Morphological Data


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Results of analyses of molecular sequence (COI, 28S-D2) and morphology (21 character states) data, both alone and combined, were used to determine relationships between 18 species of Scirtothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae, Thripinae). Two species of Neohydatothrips from Panama were used as the outgroup. Five major pest Scirtothrips were included in these analyses: S. aurantii, S. citri, S. dorsalis, S. kenyensis, and S. perseae. Trees generated from a parsimony analysis of molecular data and Bayesian analysis of molecular and morphology data combined showed high levels of congruence. The morphology-only tree had several differences in species groupings when compared with trees derived using molecular data. Both parsimony and Bayesian analyses using molecular data indicated that Scirtothrips species associated with avocados were monophyletic, a result not observed with morphological analyses. No support was found for a monophyletic S. dorsalis clade when sampled from six different countries. The S. dorsalis complex may be comprised of at least three separable groups identifiable at the molecular level, but indistinguishable morphologically. The implications of this finding for S. dorsalis, a thrips pest of global significance with high invasion potential, are discussed.
机译:分子序列(COI,28S-D2)和形态学(21个字符状态)数据的分析结果(单独或组合)用于确定18种th蓟马(Th翅目:蓟马,蓟马)之间的关系。来自巴拿马的两种新蓟马被用作外群。这些分析包括五种主要的害虫侧柏蓟马:a。aurantii,S。citri,S。dorsalis,S。kenyensis和perseae。通过对分子数据的简约分析和对分子和形态数据的贝叶斯分析相结合而生成的树显示出高水平的一致性。与使用分子数据得出的树木相比,仅形态学的树木在物种分组上有一些差异。使用分子数据的简约和贝叶斯分析均表明与鳄梨相关的鞘翅目物种是单系的,形态分析未发现这一结果。从六个不同的国家取样时,没有发现支持单核背侧枝。背侧链球菌复合物可以包含至少三个在分子水平上可识别但在形态学上无法区分的可分离基团。讨论了该发现对背侧链球菌(S. dorsalis)的意义,背侧链球菌是一种具有全球入侵潜力的具有全球意义的蓟马害虫。



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